New Seasons, Less Time, And A Surprise

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A/N:( I am going to do a really big time skip.)

I woke up, and looked at the time. 8:30 in the morning. But when I rolled over and looked at my phone, I noticed that date. It was me and "Murr's" anniversary! A whole year together, already. Things had been going absolutely perfect with he and I. I was close with the guys, spent a lot of time with my "Murr," and we never fought. I had to let go of a lot of my friends since our lives never thought to include each other. But the guys quickly replaced those friends. The guys were even about to begin filming a new season. But I didn't know it would change so much....

I got up and got ready for this special day. Me and Murr's one year anniversary. He had said he was planning on taking me out for a special day. I couldn't help but let my mind ponder thoughts that included getting engaged. Maybe even moving in with him to his 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment in uptown Manhattan. Not far from my house. I quickly showered, curled my red hair, and applied a lot of makeup. I got dressed in black lingerie, and a hot pink dress, with black jewelry. I complimented my outfit with black stiletto high heels. I gave myself a quick glance of approval in the mirror, and left my house to go to James' apartment. That's where he said to meet him.

As the cab I was currently in passed the bright lights in the big city, my mind continued to hope for the possibility of this being the day he finally proposes. I think I may be over estimating this day, but it seemed more special then most. The cab driver finally parked on the side of the street Murr's apartment was on, so I paid him and boarded the elevator. Once it got to James' floor, I got out and walked to his green, wooden door. Always a welcome sight. I started to knock, but it swung open and out stepped Murr. I giggled, and he shut and locked the door behind him before pulling me in for a kiss. Once we broke the kiss to take a breath, he looked at me.

"I love you. You ready for our first stop?" He asked. 

"I love you too. And yes, I am." I said. With that, we walked hand in hand on the sidewalks of the city streets. We stopped at a coffee shop first. We both ordered latte's and sat down. 

"So...there's something I need to tell you." He said. I got nervous.

"Oh. Is everything alright?" I asked, a hint of panic in my voice.

", not necessarily. Me and the guys are going to start filming a new season. Which is good, in itself. But with this new season, we're starting with a cruise. And then a worldwide tour." He said. My heart sank, and he continued. "The cruise is for a week and a half. But the worldwide tour is for two months." He said, his voice breaking a little bit. We were both on the verge of tears, as we both knew what this meant. I couldn't take time away from my job to accompany him on the cruise, or the worldwide tour, and he couldn't back out of either since this was a huge deal  in his career. And I wanted him to have the best he could have in his career. It meant so much to both of us. 

"Okay, honey. That's okay." I said, swallowing the lump in my throat. He looked at me. 

"I knew you would understand. That's why I love you. But I want you to know, I don't want to come back home to anybody else except for you. You are the one that I want to come back to. We will be in touch through text, e mail, Skype, and everything, alright sweetie? I may be gone, but you will be in my mind and my heart the whole way. Because you are mine, and I am yours, and nothing-not even this tour, can change that." He said. I couldn't help but feel a gush of warmth spread throughout my veins when he said that. I love him so much. 

"I love you, honey. You are mine, and I am yours. Always. I will wait for you. It's only about two months. And we can talk by text and phone, of course." I said smiling.  He smiled back, and held my hand.

"I love you too. We leave in three weeks. But in these next three weeks, I'll be busy with conventions for the fans. We can see each other still, just less. But I had a question." He said. My curiosity spiked.

"What's the question?" I asked. 

"I was wondering if you want to move in with me? It's a big step, but I think we are ready for this. And I would love for 'my home' to be "our home.'" He said. Excitement came over me.  

"I would love to move in with you." I said. After all, I live in Manhattan. Maybe not as far uptown as him, but it wouldn't affect my work commute much. Ten  minutes tops. James seemed happy with my response. Once we finished our coffee, we went on tram ride over the city. The snow falling in New York is always a pretty sight, especially from a tram. We had lunch at a really good Italian restaurant called 'Pepolino' in lower Manhattan. The day went on and we saw a movie, walked through Chinatown, and walked through Central Park. By the time it was 5:00 in the evening, we decided to have dinner at a pizza shop. After we finished, it was about 6. He surprised me when he got a taxi and slipped the driver a piece of paper.

"Take us there." James said. The taxi driver nodded. After twenty minutes we were in the underground tunnel that led to New Jersey. After that, we boarded a train that took us to Hoboken, New Jersey. By the time we arrived, it was 8:15 at night. We got out, and walked along the streets for another ten minutes before stopping in front of none other than "Carlo's Bakery," original home of the TV show "Cake Boss." I couldn't believe it! I was only more surprised when James took me inside, and Buddy was sitting at a table with a cake! I felt myself getting weak. 

"Follow me, sweetie." James said. I didn't even notice that Brian, Sal, and Joe were standing around the cake too. I held James' hand and he led me to the table everybody was standing around. James stopped us in front of the table.

"Welcome to Carlos' Bakery, Elyse. Murr has told me so much about you, and so for this special night, he asked me to make this cake for you." Buddy said. I looked at the cake. It was a rectangular, long cake. It has black, white, and hot pink fondant (all colors I love) and then denim accents (definitely something Murr told him to include.)

"I love it, Buddy. Thank you." I said. Buddy nodded and said of course, and gave me a hug. I hugged him back but he pulled away and added; "Hold on a sec...I forgot something!" He went back to the kitchen, and came back. He put a black shaped box looking thing on the cake. It was open with a ring....the top flap on the inside of the box said "Will you marry me, sweetie?" My heart dropped when I realized what was happening here. I looked at James, and saw he was now on one knee, with a small black box identical to the one on top of the cake. He opened it and looked at me.

"Elyse, will you marry me?" He asked. I had the biggest smile on my face and tried to hold back laughter, shrieks, screams, and happiness. 

"Yes! Yes, of course!" I said, trying not to yell. He let out a huge sigh of relief, and the guys all let out 'yeah's,' or 'wooohooo,' and Buddy clapped. James slid the ring on my finger, and stood up and kissed me. I kissed him back, deepening the kiss. When we pulled back, I hugged everybody that was there, and we all enjoyed some cake. When we were finished, we boxed up the cake and said our farewells. I thanked everybody and the guys. Me and Murr then made our way back to his apartment. It was 10:30 by the time we got back. But when he opened the door, no words were exchanged. Just steamy, passionate kisses. Our clothes came off, but when he saw my lingerie he got especially aroused, and I knew this night would end well. Very well. 

An Impractical Love (A Love Story With James Murray): Book 1Where stories live. Discover now