What's Inside The Envelope?

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I smiled at him. He just stood there. Roses and envelope in hand. I felt my stomach twisting. What did this mean? Was he wanting to stop seeing me, and feeling guilty enough about it to bring me flowers? Oh man...

"What's inside the envelope?" I asked. He shrugged and chuckled. 

"Open it." He said handing it to me. I took it and cautiously opened it. Inside was a piece of paper with doodles of hearts all over it, and in intricate writing it said:

Sweetie, would you be my girlfriend?  

I delicately put the piece of paper back in the envelope and smiled. How could I not want to be his girlfriend? He was the closest man to me in my life. Over my father own, even. We got along so well, and our schedules were always in near sync. I didn't see any problem with being his girlfriend, and I guess he didn't either.

"Yes, James. I'm yours." I said. I couldn't help but realize how corny that sounded. 

"Good, I'm glad. I was nervous what your answer would be. I brought you some flowers, too." He said, rubbing his head with one hand, and holding the flowers out to me with the other. He was cute when he was anxious. I smiled and took the flowers.

"Thank you." I said as I kissed him. "You can come in." I said as I walked to my kitchen to grab a vase. He shut the door behind him, and as I was filling up the vase with water, he held my shoulders and kissed my temple. I really loved these moments we would share. I put the beautiful red roses in the center of my dining room table. The rest of the night was filled with making love. Not just sex this time, actual love making. 

I woke up to the sound of rain hitting the roof. I loved that sound. But the sound of Murr's snoring was one I liked even better. But that's just it...I didn't hear him snoring. It was Sunday, so I had no work. I sat up and looked around my room. Nope, James was nowhere to be found. I inhaled a deep breath and I smelled sweet goodness. I threw on a bathrobe and went downstairs to my kitchen. He was there, shirtless, with a pair of jeans taking cinnamon rolls out of the oven. I smiled at him. As if he knew I was there he said:

"It was my turn to make breakfast. I hope you don't mind I dirtied up the kitchen a bit." He said with a hint of guilt on his face. I chuckled as I looked around the counters which were covered in flour, icing, and cinnamon. 

"Don't worry about it, hun." I said as I walked up to him. He set the freshly baked goodness on the counter and hugged me tight. I kissed his chest as we hugged. I had to be the luckiest girl. I just had to. He was so sweet, flirtatious, and caring. He broke the hug and dished our food up. After we chatted and ate we cleaned up and headed upstairs. I decided to take a shower. When I got out, I got ready and James did too. Plopping down on my couch, we snuggled in silence for a bit, with me on top.  I couldn't believe I was his girlfriend. Moreover, I couldn't believe he was MY boyfriend. My life couldn't get better. I had a great boyfriend with a job, and a house. I had my own, very nice house. I had a good paying job. I had no car, but in the "Big City," cars were somewhat useless considering how crowded it was. My life was great. Once James left that day, I decided to have my friend Hannah over. Hadn't seen her in forever. But when she came, I had no idea how much of a turn the relationships in my life would change...

An Impractical Love (A Love Story With James Murray): Book 1Where stories live. Discover now