In An Ordinary World...

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Two weeks has passed since that occurrence in the supermarket. After that day, it was back to the ordinary world. Going out with my girl friends nearly every night, and work. Apart from eating, and sleeping of course. Work had been so busy these days, that I haven't even watched TV. This was another day, in an ordinary world. Well at least the New York version of an ordinary world. I was going through my patients quickly today. Until my comfortable, ordinary world was exposed to a not so ordinary experience. 

I didn't even glance up. I just heard the knock, and said come in. The 'patient' walked right in, and sat right down. I turned my chair and looked right at him. My mind went blank. His beady, dark brown eyes looked at me. 

"Elyse?!" He said. I froze, and swallowed before I finally mustered up the courage to speak. 

"Hello, James. Or should I call you 'Murr?'" I giggled. He laughed and looked at me. 

"You can call me whatever you want." He winked. I must have blushed pretty damn hard because  I have never changed subjects so quick. 

"What are you in here for today?" I asked him. He smiled.

"I lost a tooth. But I have no more baby teeth, so I'm assuming this isn't good." He said, frowning. I smiled.

"It's not the worst thing that could happen." I began reclining his seat down, and putting a blue napkin over his chest to protect his white, button up shirt. He had style. With his blue jeans, he looked so cute. I checked his dental history charts and noticed he'd had many cavities as a child, and a couple root canals as an adult. Even a wisdom tooth extraction at the age of 17! To a dental hygienist, it's like Christmas! More things in the history means more enthusiasm and willingness to get those teeth clean. 

"Open up!" I said, smiling. He opened his mouth. I looked at his teeth. They were white! They looked to be in great condition. But his cuspid on the left side of his mouth was missing. I checked the gum to make sure there as no infection. I smiled, realizing he was safe from anything infection related. I started cleaning his teeth, and flossing him. I gave him the fluoride sponge. Not even three minutes later, he was back in the chair. The actual dentist would be in any second. I was interrupted from my thoughts when he started talking. The room had been silent until now.

"I'm sorry I haven't called you or messaged you." He said, apologetically. I smiled.

"It's alright, I don't mind. I've been so busy lately, that I almost forgot I even slipped you my number." We both smiled. 

"Well...being at celebrity status, I have to be careful who my number goes out to. If it gets to a bunch of fans, who knows how fast my number will spread?!" He said. I smiled.

"Well, James, you can trust me. I may have a lot of friends, but I also keep secrets very well. I respect people's privacy. I mean hell, I clean peoples teeth, and you don't see me going and telling all my friends: 'Oh man! This lady came in with these yellow, dirty teeth today!' I really do respect privacy. But hey, I totally get it." I smiled at him, as I tried to reassure him. I took off my face mask since I was done cleaning his teeth, and I took a puff of fresh air. I noticed he smelled of cologne. Kinda bitter cologne, but it smelled good. He smiled.

"I don't doubt you're trustworthy. We'll see about getting you my number, possibly in the future." He said. That confused me. I looked at him. 

"What do you mean, 'future?'" I asked. He bit his lip for a second before inhaling a breath and answering. 

"Well, if you say yes to me asking you out for a drink tonight, then there's the possibility of a future, isn't there?" He asked, smirking. Oh, I so saw his game. I shrugged and answered, trying to act un-phased by his slyness, even though I was screaming on the inside. A date? With this hot guy? Oh my.

"Well if you're asking, it's a yes." I said. "But don't tell anybody, I'm not technically supposed to fool around with patients." I added. He winked at me.

"Fool around? This date may turn out to be better than I planned on." He laughed. I couldn't help but feel a little hopeful that something 'intimate' would happen to between us. He was so damn sexy, I didn't mind if I went all the way with him even right now! His sexiness was already intoxicating.

"We'll see, 'Murr.' Anyways, dentist will be here in a few minutes." I said, starting to get up. But he grabbed my hand.

"Okay, but meet me at The Wayland at 9 pm. It's Friday, and I'm assuming you don't work on the weekends." He said. I blushed, as he said the last part, realizing he intended for me stay out late with him. Or maybe even 'in.' Oh my, now my imagination was burning. I swallowed hard.

"Sounds like a plan." I said. We both winked, and said our farewells. Work ended later than I had hoped and I got home at 6:30. I closed the door and headed upstairs to my bathroom. I got into the shower. The really hot water felt good on my skin. I shaved everywhere I thought may be necessary for this date, and got out. I blow dried my hair and curled it, put on some heavy makeup, and got into a hot pink tank top that hugged my curves nicely. It even showed a bit of belly. I threw on some black skinny jeans, and a pair of matching hot pink stilettos. I felt pretty damn sexy. I popped some gum in my mouth just to ensure my breath smelled minty fresh in case we kissed. I gave myself a one look over in the mirror, making sure to compliment myself on my beautifully curled red hair. My green eyes were only accentuated by the makeup. I left my house, and arrived at the Wayland by 8:55 pm. 

He was already inside, standing by the window overlooking the street. I think I even caught him checking me out as I walked in. He was in a black  button down shirt, and black skinny jeans. He had shaved his facial hair. He looked good. I fully entered the crowded bar, and made my way over to him. Man...a guy from a TV show, a well known one, asked me out on a date. Now here I am! On that date! This doesn't happen in an ordinary world...

An Impractical Love (A Love Story With James Murray): Book 1Where stories live. Discover now