Chapter 12: Jealous

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I woke up when my alarm beside me go crazy. The first thing I do is check my phone because I had switch it off last night just to avoid distraction.

21 missed calls from Yoongi
3 unread messages from Yoongi

What the hell is wrong with him? What's so urgent that he called me so many times?

I tapped the unread messages.

First message:

- Yah, this is (Y/N)! Can you please come to the school now and help us out from the library?! We're locked in fml. - 7:36 P.M.

Second message:


Third message:

- I'm stuck with Yoongi now and I can't promise what I'll do to him. Maybe you'll see his dead body lying in the library, Kim Nam Joon. Either we kill each other or he'll be dead. You'll lose your best friend. - 7:40 P.M.

"What the fuck is (Y/N) doing with Yoongi in the library this late?! Oh gosh, I should've turn on my phone! " I cursed under my breath, running to my bathroom and almost tripped myself.

With lightning speed, I ran to school. This is my first time I arrived school this early, it's only 6:00 a.m straight!

I went straight to the library, turning the door knob, hoping that the school guards had already unlocked them. Fortunately, they did.

"(Y/N)! " I yelled as I saw her and Yoongi lying on the floor.

Please tell me they're still alive.

"Wake up! " I shook her body lightly after slowly move her head from Yoongi's chest. I couldn't help but feel fucking jealous.

"Mm.. " she whimpered, opening her eyes slowly and immediately hugged me as she realized she was in my arms.

"YAH! WHY DIDN'T YOU TURN ON YOUR PHONE?! " she cried out, punching my back with her small yet strong fist.

"Ugh... " Yoongi groaned, sitting up from the floor, "Hmm? Finally, we're saved. " he chuckled.

"Care to explain why are you with Yoongi? " I asked with a hint of jealousy in my voice.

"We're doing project in here and didn't realize that it's already nighttime, so we're locked in. " (Y/N) explained.

"Oh my God, are you okay? " I asked, embracing her once again.

"Y-Yeah, what's wrong? " she asked me back.

"Aren't you afraid of the dark? How can you manage to stay calm through the night? " I stroked her cheeks.

"Um.. Yoongi kinda calmed me down? " she shrugged.

"Oh, thanks man. " I patted Yoongi's back.

He stood up without saying anything, sticking his hands into his pockets and walked out from the library.

"Tsk, I'm jealous. " I said, helping (Y/N) up.

"Why? " she asked.

"Because I'm not the one who got stuck with you? " I chuckled.

"Yah, are you mad? " she scoffed.

"I know I'm saying weird stuff, but I don't mind if you're the one who got stuck with me. " I muttered.

"I think you're out of your mind. Ah, how can I speak now? " (Y/N) covered her mouth in embarrassment, "My breath stinks! "

"Then don't. " I laughed, ruffling her hair.



"Why are you so quiet today? " I asked (Y/N), who was still covering her mouth.

"Nothing. " she replied.

"No, don't lie to me. Spill it out. " I said.

"Fine. Me and Yoongi were locked in in the library last night, and my breath stinks now because I can't brush my teeth! " she ranted.

"You and Y-Yoongi? " I stuttered, jealousy took over me as I heard Yoongi's name escaped her mouth.

"Yeah. We're project partners and blablabla. It's a long story, I don't wanna say anymore. " (Y/N) said.

"So... Both of you spent the night together? " I asked.

"Yeah. " she muttered, "Yuna, I have something to tell you, since you're my best friend, I should not keep this secret from you. "

"What is it? "

"I think.. I like Yoongi. I know, it's unbelievable. " she laughed, "But I think I really like him. "

"Oh, really? Well then.. That's great. " I forced myself to say those nice words.

No, I don't care if (Y/N) is my best friend or whatever, but I will not give up on Yoongi.

Yoongi is mine. I like him first. Besides that, he doesn't even suitable for (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s a bad girl, a bad student, while I'm total opposite from her. I deserve to be Yoongi's girlfriend, and I'm positive that Yoongi likes me too.

I'm gonna confess to him. Today.

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