Chapter 2: Blood pressure exploding!

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"Hey, let's go to the cafeteria! " Yuna beamed, but frown after she read my expression.

"What's wrong with the sour face? " she asked.

"There's a new transfer student who is trying to kill me with his sassy attitude. " I answered with a boring tone.

"Woah, a new student? Aren't he or she afraid of you? " Yuna asked in disbelief.

"I'm surprised too, no one dared to talk to me like that. But I just can't hit him, like I usually do. I wonder why.. " I muttered, "Ugh, let's forget about him. I'm starving! "

"Yeah, let's go! "

We walked to the cafeteria which is packed with students. After taking my food, the students who are queueing up let me cut the line. Hmm, how thoughtful are they. :D Guess they should know they shouldn't mess with me.

But there's only one guy. That Min Yoon freaking Gi, standing right in front of me. He's the only one who didn't let me pass first.

"Excuse me, pale boy. " I mocked, "Get out the way. "

Still, he won't even budge. I groaned, slapping his arm to get his attention. Yoongi turned his head to the back, giving me the same look in class.

Oh how badly I wanted to smack him in his face, but I just can't! Tsk, this is so irritating! The whole cafeteria went silent, eyes are all staring at us.

"Did you not hear me ordering you to move? " I asked.

"Why should I? " he asked.

"You little- "

"Enough, (Y/N). " Yuna came and stopped me, bowing to Yoongi.

"I'm sorry for her behavior. " Yuna said.

"Yah, why are you apologizing with this motionless creature?! " I snapped.

"Just shut up. " Yuna said between gritting teeth.

"It's okay. It's not your fault, you don't have to be sorry for her. She's not even worth it. " Yoongi replied calmly.

"WHAT THE - Ugh! I'm done with this bullshit! " I grumbled, stomping out from the cafeteria.


How rude is she. I would never like a girl like her, even if she's the last girl remaining on Earth. Unlike her friend.. What's her name again? Ah, Kim Yuna. That silver name tag caught my attention, her name imprinted in my mind.

Kim Yuna. Pretty as hell, totally my type.

"I hope she didn't go too hard on you on your first day. "

I looked up and saw Yuna smiling at me, "May I sit here? "

"Yeah. "

"You know.. It's really surprising to see a student who dare to go against (Y/N). " Yuna said.

"Why should everyone afraid of her? It's not like she's some gangster or a member of Yakuza. " I scoffed.

"Well, she'd gotten into fights several times. Even the boys lost to her. " Yuna answered.

"Really? "

She nodded.

"Say.. Why would you, a girl like you want to be friend with (Y/N)? " I asked, curiously.

"I don't know. I just, make friends with everyone. "

Ah, Yuna is really kind.

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