Chapter 4: Get into a fight

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I tossed the basketballs into the net one by one in the arcade. A boy around 7 or 8 is staring at me, probably wondering how did I escape school without getting caught.

"What are you looking at?! " I snapped, making the boy shock and ran away with teary eyes.

I continued spending my whole day in the arcade, wasting my money on the games and machines. I didnt realize that it was already 6 when my pocket money finished.

"Ugh, time to get back to that hell. " I mumbled to myself, sticking both of my hands into my pocket and walked out the arcade. Suddenly, I realized that I left my skateboard in my class. Groaning, I cursed under my breath.

I stopped by at a candy store, I bought a lollipop with the few cents left in my left pocket. With heavy steps, I walked home.

Upon arrival, I passed by a bunch of teenage boys, or may I say hooligans. They were whistling and checking me out from my head to toes, which is so annoying and irritating.

I snapped my head towards them and gave them a threatening glare.
"Fuck off. "

"Woah, feisty. " one of them said, licking his bottom lips.

"Wanna have fun before going home, missy? " the tall one said, walking towards me and placed his sweaty palm on my bum.

Without hesitation, I punched him in his face, making his nose bleed.

"Shit, you bitch! " he hissed, throwing a punch to my face, and luckily I dodged his punch, but unfortunately his friend hit me from the back.

I winced in pain. The boys cackled evilly, "Oh, not so strong huh? "

"You asked for this. " I growled, pouncing on one of them and throw punches on his ugly face. The others tried to attack me, but failed because I turned the poor guy who was beneath me to the top, and they accidentally hit him instead of me.

"Hey! What's going on there?! " someone yelled. The boys cursed and ran away from me. One of them managed to slap me hard before running off.

"Miss, are you okay? Did you need to report to the police? " a kind ahjussi said, "You're bleeding. "

"I'm fine, ahjussi. Thank you. "

"It's okay, I wouldn't let a bunch of hooligans bully a girl. Take care, alright? "

I nodded, picking up my bag and continue walking home.


"I'm home. " I called out lazily, dragging my feet up the stairs.

"Miss! Why are you hurt?! " my maid exclaimed.

"Just bring the first aid kit to my room. And where the hell is my parents? " I asked.

"Um.. Mister when to his business trip while madam.. " her voice trailed off, "Madam went to the bar. "

"As usual. " I scoffed.

I threw myself on my bed and sigh.

"I thought this is the only way to get attentions from them. " I mumbled to myself, "Guess I was wrong. They don't even give a shit of me. "

I texted my dad and asked him for some money, hoping that he would say 'no' or anything more than a 'you'll get them later, I'll transfer them to your bank.' . No, I don't want money. I need love. I need parental love. I want attentions from them! Is it hard to get attention?!

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