He knows...

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Harry POV
'So you came, Granger. I thought a coward like you would have ran for your mommy if you even have one.'

Is it a coincidence? Could it be possible- no it couldn't.

The death eaters laughed in response.

'Mighty words, riddle. But these words show that you never change. You always were and will remain a petty insolent brat-'

'Harry Granger. You dare anger the dark lord?' Said voldemort his eye slits burning with fury.

'Are you trying to be brave or merely stupid as you kids always are?' Voldemort smirked to his death eaters.

'Who have you captured?'
The death eaters laughed.

'You think you are smart, Granger? Think you can be all high and mighty and rescue everyone? You dared think to defeat me?' He pointed at himself.

'Me. The dark lord himself.'
The death eaters jeered and booed at him but harry didn't care.

'I would have killed you if I wanted to. But I will not. You are useful. Very useful.'

All the death eaters looked confused and so did harry.
He shared an confused look with ginny who was standing behind the door.

'Wrong choices.' Voldemort sneered.

'But I can help you with that. I, the dark lord am absolutely merciful to those who are ignorant and know none of the dark lord'

'You are an absolute evil git-'

'There is no good and evil. There is only power and those too weak to seek it.'

Harry felt a sudden shock that these were the exact words voldemort had used in his first year.

Maybe it's his inspiration quote or motto, he thought.
Maybe he thought he looked cool with the dialogue.
Before he could come up with much ideas, voldemort spoke such words that left harry with utter silence.

'You will of course know these words, Harry- Granger huh,' he sneered 'I have to credit you that it is a creative pseudonym but I know who you are. Haven't you wondered why I haven't referred you by mudblood instead of Granger?'

He smiled crookedly.
'Because you are not one, Potter.'
He knows. He knows all of it.
Draco POV
This was it.
The locket lay right in front of him.
He had to do this.
But why was he hesitant?
Leave hesitant. Why was he even doing this?
For mione.
He regretted it.
Regretted that Hermione loved him. Because he couldn't be there for her... All because of her ex boyfriend, Weasley.

How he hated him. After breaking up with mione he did this...

But he couldn't waste time, he crumpled the paper inside his pocket. That could be dealed with later. He had done all this. He would end it...

Yes. Ending it before it even started would mean ... That the future would change. That was it... He couldn't believe it was that simple yet something in his mind believed that there were much more complexities.

First he had to do this. He raised his wand. And said it.
The killing curse.

'Avada Kedavra'.
He watched as green light seeped through his wand and broke the locket into pieces. He watched the carnage and understood what life was all about.

Life was unfair. How much ever he tried he couldn't ...
He didn't deserve her. She deserved better... Maybe Weasley had done the right thing by sending him that letter.

A letter which he hated. A letter which was his future ....

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