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Voldemort POV
Something had just happened. He felt weak. A thing he hadn't felt in years.

Could it be? Of course it wouldn't. But he didn't want to risk his life by making assumptions.
A while later -
This couldn't be possible. Who was it who knew about his horcruxes? Someone had destroyed the ring.

Maybe someone had traced his middle name to its origin and...
He knew it. Dumbledore.

The old fat fool had managed to destroy it with the help of a pawn. The pawn could ofcourse not have known about the room. But what if Dumbledore suspected the Malfoy Manor.

The most ideal time would be tonight since Lucius was having one of those dumb parties which were absolutely useless.

It was time to apparate to the Malfoy Manor and kill this pawn once and for all. And he had a good idea who the pawn was.

The mudblood.
Harry Granger.
Lily POV
She watched as the boys got up. Sirius looked sad and angry. While Remus looked cold and calm and expressionless.

Sirius pointed his wand at the horcrux and muttered the killing curse once more so that it vaporised in dust.

Remus simply opened the door and walked away without giving Lily a second glance.

Sirius watched her carefully. Then followed Remus.
'You shouldn't have done that.'

'I am sorry.' Lily said and she meant it.

Remus turned to face Lily.
'I am sorry, Remus' she said tears falling from her cheek.
'Please. I understand-'
'You understand nothing. Absolutely nothing. I bet you are the one who messed things up.'

When she didn't reply he just turned towards Sirius.
'Padfoot. What should we do now?'
Sirius turned towards Lily and raised an eyebrow.
'I don't know. I just got here from the cells.'

'Regulus?' He asked.
'I didn't see him.'
'That's impossible. Do YOU think he vanished in thin air.'
'I certainly did, dear brother. I certainly did.' Came a voice from behind.

Sirius POV
Sirius knew the voice. It was him.

'But h-how?'
'How did I escape?' He asked.
Sirius nodded.

'I convinced the other death eaters that I was on their side and just playing by to get information from your side. But on being free, instead of helping them I was indirectly helping you.'

'That's wow! Reg didn't know you had that much brains' joked Sirius.

'Thanks Sirius. But death eaters are quite dumb headed to say the truth. Don't suspect anything among themselves, the lot of them.'

'Unfortunately, I am not dumbheaded and a highly qualified legilimens. So I clearly suspected you. Very clever, Regulus very clever.' Came a greasy voice.

With four other death eaters wearing masks. We were clearly outmatched.

James POV
'You are a good actor. I credit you.' Said James.
Suddenly James noticed Lucius became nervous.

'You seem like a person I know. And he's not in my good books nor am I in his.' Said Lucius.

'Good books, huh? You are NOT Lucius Malfoy. Or else you wouldn't use a muggle proverb.'

'Then how would you know whether it's muggle or not, Mr smarty pants.'

James ignored the comment.
'Who are you? You are not Lucius.'
'I could say the same for you.' Lucius smiled.
Then added 'Granger'

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