The unknown story of Remus Lupin

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Harry Pov
They were at the gaunt house.
In the living room. In the middle table was a box just perfect for storing a ring. Harry couldn't believe it was this simple ...

But then a memory etched in his brain. Dumbledore's black shrivelled hand... The reason of his death... All of it came to him.

As James made a grab for it.
'No James.' Harry shouted.
Too late. Harry jumped and pushed his dad out of the way.
'Ow. What was that for?' Said James caressing his elbow which had started to bleed.

'You need to be careful. Don't touch anything. That ring is cursed. Dumbledore touched it. That's the reason he died within a year.'

'Oops. Sorry Harry. Maybe you should lead the way.'
'That was pretty careless of you, prongs.'
'You are the one to say, moony.'
'Kidding, man.'
'So harry what now?'
'Um I hadn't really thought of it.'
Moony rolled his eyes while James chuckled 'He's my son all right.'
'Dont insult the poor child.' Joked moony.
'Jeez! prongs, I was just goofin around.'
'That's my job.'
'Its our job.'
'Yeah that's right.'
'Cheers for the marauders!' Said Remus.
'Cheers!' Cheered James.
'Guys I am trying to concentrate and think on which spell to use and your goofin around is not at all helping me.' Said Harry.
'Man you sound Serious.' Said James.
'No. Sirius aint here.' Said Remus.
'Remus stop joking come here and help me with that humongous brain of yours.' Said harry frustrated.
'Chill harry. Need some tablets?'
'No. You may need some if you continue disturbing me.'
'Aw man we are just keeping the tension at a balance.'
'Yeah no need to get Sirius on us.' Remus laughed.
'You are siriusly right, Remus.'

Harry started muttering spells ignoring the two pranksters. He had to get the right spell. Then finally he had a hazy thought.
He was destroying a soul fragment. Someone's soul is completely destroyed by only one curse...

'Guys I got it.'
James's eyes widened. Remus fell down his chair.
'What is it harry?'
'Its the killing curse.' Harry said.
He didn't want to do this. He couldn't face the horror he had faced in the room of requirement again.

James saw the scared look in his eyes.
'You dont need to do it harry. I will do it.' Said James reassuring Harry.
Harry shook his head though touched by his response.
'I g-guess the horcrux can most conveniently be destroyed only if the person has faced true remorse in his life. It's just a guess. But I would not risk it.'

'I will do it. I assure you i know the true meaning of remorse.'Said moony a grave look in his eyes. He suddenly seemed to have age a lot. Harry saw the similarity between Proffesor lupin and the current lupin standing here.

'The room might blast. It might trigger deatheaters. So you two can stand outside for guarding.'

It was obvious that moony wanted privacy.

As James left and Harry left, from the corner of his eyes he saw moony say the avada Kedavra on the box. The box opened. He used the spell again and this time black mist seemed to form around the room.

Harry coughed and tripped on the floor. There came a sound of creaking of a door. It seemed James was way ahead of him.
Harry carefully got up and left the room but managed to peek one last time.

The black smoke had diffused to leave a pale translucent image of a girl.
Remus fell on his knees as the image went away and away.
The girl gave him a hand but as soon as he went to hold the image moved one pace behind.
'You betrayed me, Remus. I hate you.' She whispered. 'I hate you. I always had.'
The image vanished and Remus banged his head on the pillar crying his heart out while harry tiptoed away.

He couldn't believe what he saw.
All this time he had thought James and Severus had loved her but he never realized it. Nor did anybody else.

Remus was in love. He always had been.
With her.
Lily Evans.

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