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Draco POV
I stopped in my tracks on hearing the announcement.

James had caught up with me and pulled down my cloak.

He stuck his wand to my neck.
'You. You called him.'

'No I didn't.'

'I will KILL you!'

'No don't. Look can you do me a favour?'

'This is ridiculous' spat James. 'Do you have ANY idea how much it pains to know that my friends and girlfriend are in danger. NO YOU BLOODY DON'T. YOU ARE A SELFISH IDIOT NOBODY WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHAT LOVE IS-'

'I PERFECTLY know what LOVE is, thank you very much. MY girlfriend is in danger too. It's not you who is dealing with things now. Now SHUT UP and listen.'


'The locket.'

'What did you say?'

'The locket. It's in room 119's second locker. They need the Malfoy fingerprint.'

'Who are you? Why are you helping me?'

'You are a bigger crackpot than your son. Don't you understand me? Leave me alone and let me destroy the bloody horcrux once and for all.'

'You are lying.'

'No I am not. And please leave before I curse you into oblivion.'

'Lucius is there. You will need his fingerprint' said James warily ' if you indeed are saying the truth'.

'I don't need him. It requires the Malfoy fingerprint'

James raised an eyebrow.

'I am Draco. Draco Malfoy.'
'We are going to the fifth floor to defeat the horcrux and see if anyone is there' said Hermione to Lily.
'Those two are taking the circular escalator up to the terrace.'

'Got it, mione.' Said Lily.

'I hope he's just kidding.' Said ginny trying to cheer harry up but to no avail.

'This is where we part ways'
Said ginny.

'Good luck you two' said Lily.
'Best of luck, harry' Lily hugged harry. The couple left for the terrace to face voldemort once and for all.

Lily and Hermione took seperate stairs to save time.
They had to do this. To save their loved ones. To end this war.
Once and for all.
James POV

'Hermione. You're alive. So it's true.' He whispered.

'Yes. I am. But- but then who did he take as hostage if it isn't you?'

'I thought it was one of you. So I panicked.'

'No. It's no one. Everyone's safe.'

After a while she cursed and said 'That's it.'

'It's a trick. And we have been tricked. Oh goodness! Harry and Ginny!'
'What?' Said James extremely alert.
'Let's go.' Said Hermione.
'Where's Lily?'

'Oh! Lily... She went for the horcrux... You haven't already des-'

'Destroyed it? No. But someone else is in the exact room doing the exact thing.'

On Hermione's questioning look he answered ' Your boyfriend, Malfoy.'

'You met Draco?'

'No I was talking about his dad'
On Hermione's horrified look he laughed.

'Hilarious, Potter. Here we are in grave peril, and you are joking.'

'I am not joking. And just wanted to ask a question before I go off to find Lily.'

'Um yeah I was just thinking' started James.
Hermione snorted.

'Hey! Yeah so I was thinking that why does old Voldy up there want to kill us? It's not like we can give him a nose.' Smirked James.

'If you make another bloody joke then maybe I will cut your nose to gift it to voldemort via muggle parcel'

'Not bad. Atleast not pathetic. You are learning.'

'No. That was no joke. I am serious.'

'Nah you ain't Sirius.' Joked James. 'Talking about which where are moony and padfoot?'

Hermione said just two words. Two words which put a stop to his heart.
How could he be so careless?
So pathetically heartless?

Her simple words made him think how worse a friend he was...

'Full Moon'

Horcrux Destroyers (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now