Not meant to be ...

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Hermione POV
The scene shifted. They were in Malfoy Manor.

Draco was seated in a chair on one side of the room while on the other side on a chair was seated...


'Draco, I have a task for you, once you have been branded with the dark mark.'

Draco was shivering and his lip trembled slightly.

'I am giving you an honorary task which many of my skilled death eaters would die for.'

Voldemort smiled crookedly.
'Be honoured Draco, because the dark lord himself has given you with the task of murdering Albus Dumbledore.'

Voldemort stood and came over to the chair upto him.
'Do you understand me boy?' He snarled.
Draco nervously nodded.
'Your sleeve, boy. I hope I don't have to repeat my words.'

Then voldemort brought out his wand and pierced the dark mark in his arm which was followed by a very loud scream from Draco.

The Draco beside her fell to his knees and Hermione saw a tear fall down on the ground.

Draco POV
He couldn't bear it any more.

'I'm sorry Hermione. I'm sorry. I don't deserve you.'

He felt her kneeling down and wiping the tears from his eyes.

'Don't be Draco. You have nothing to be sorry about. Everyone goes through tough things. It is the pain that has made you what you are today.'

Hermione POV
Draco didn't reply.
Hermione watched in silence the scene of the dreadful night in which Dumbledore died...

Draco didn't look up.
Hermione watched Draco disarming Dumbledore then Snape killing him.

She pulled draco in hug which he nervously returned.
'You must hate me for all I have done.'
'Of course not. You didn't have a choice.'
'But... But I could have died instead of fighting for the dark side.'
'No Draco. Of course not. Don't keep dwelling on the past. It will make you feel worse-'
'I deserve to feel worse.'
'But that will only make me feel worse. Just be patient and this will be over.'

Draco POV

Draco looked to her face. Her bushy brown hair... Brown gorgeous eyes in which he could delve in... She was perfect. And he was a mistake. She didn't deserve somebody as dark as him.

She deserved better. How he loved her... Enough to let her make her own choices... Enough to get out of her life because she deserved better...

'Please Draco... For me.'
He couldn't say no to those eyes.
Why? Why couldn't he never say no to her...

Why did she bring him in his softest...

He knew the answer.

Was it because he loved her?
Or was it because he loved her back?

'Yes. I will stay strong. For-for the both of us.'

It pained him to say this. It pained him to see Hermione smile. Because he knew that sooner or later he had to leave her life for the better...

Because it wasn't meant to be...
He didn't deserve her...

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