Chapter 14

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"Ehhhh... your no funnn~~"

"Of course im not! Im trapped here and you still expect me to be FUN!?" I snapped back at the pokemon. "What are you and why are you doing this?" The pokemon glared at me and looked away.

"HEY! Don't look away, answer me!"

The pokemon looked back, tears running down her face. "You don't understand..."

"I do." I replied confidently. "Tell me whats wrong." There was a glimmer of hope that lingered around her face before it disappeared.


"If you dare to disturb me again, i will send you to the place with no return- The Disappearing Palace." She growled at me.

She than left me in confusion. The Disappearing Palace? I questioned in my head.

Why!? Why!? No!!!!!!!!!

I looked around and remembered what Diancie said before being taken away.


"The Unervape is a place in between reality, past and future. It will show you what you wish to seek." She said. "Its like a dream, where nothing really exists. Not even time. Not even pokemon - that's why i can transform into a human. Listen," she stopped to look at me, searching for a way out of this wacky universe. "Don't bother to try escaping. You only find yourself at the same spot where you stareted."

After telling me that piece of information, she started fading away, like a memory.

"Y - your not real!?"

"Of course not! This has been happening inside your head. Your suffering from loneliness. But that doesn't mean im not real."

"Are you a pokemon then? "


"So what just happened just now, was it real?!"

She started morphing into a blonde headed girl, disappearing like some static.

"Of course its real."

Then she disappeared.

~end of flashback~

I didn't even know if she was 'Diancie' any more.


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