Chapter 2

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Ruby's P.O.V
Manly, Courageous, totally awesome and cool. I was none of those. I liked to dress up my Pokemon. I'd choose Pokemon contests to battling any day. All of my friends knows I will never change my 'girlish' ways of doing things, except for somebody- Sapphire. Hello, my name is Ruby, and this is my story. (A/N: Gosh, so much formalities! 0.o)
Looking at Sapphire, I did not notice my senior, Blue escape from school AGAIN. After resolving the 'tart situation ',(I don't want to think about it) I turned my attention to seniors Gold, Crystal and Silver.
"Stop picking your nose!" Crystal shouted.
"Never!" Gold shouted back.
"Never as in, I'll never sit here again!" Silver hissed in annoyance. "You crazy people are driving me crazy!" Turning back to the table, I saw Violet Sweetheart. She was the most popular kid in Victory High. She had... Nvm. I don't dislike her or anything,so don't get it the wrong way.
After a not-so-peaceful lunch...
"I'M BACK! WITH SOME TOTALLY COOL STUFF FOR MY DEAREST FRIENDS!" Blue exclaimed while tossing a paper bag she was holding in the air. I wonder what is in the bag.
After lessons and in the corridors...
" Saphie, Ruby, do your big sister a favor by poking your index finger in the 2 holes at the end," Blue said excitedly. Blindly, me and saph poked our fingers in the 2 holes. Bad idea. Annoyed,Sapphire tried to pull her finger out. But to no avail.
" I-CAN'T-THIS-STUPID-TRAP-OUT!!!" Sapphire screamed. I, also followed her.
" It's stuck! Argh!" I said pulling harder.
" Don't. It will just get tighter," Blue said,smirking." I suppose you 2 need to have somewhere to sleep. I won't be taking this trap out until you 2 make peace."
"So where are you sleeping?" Gabby, Valerie's BFF said looking nervously.
"What a question," Sapphire replied annoyed." Ruby's. Duh." I could sense that this will not turn out to be good. Stupid trap.
The Chinese finger trap. I played with one and hated it as much as Sapphire. But....
Giving you a bonus!
🐱~Sunnykittys ~🐱
"Aren't you scared that Saph or Sissy will break the trap?" Red asked Blue.
" Nope. It's heatproof,waterproof,electric proof,metal-proof,grass-proof, dragon-proof!" Blue replied cheerfully. " She'll never get it out."

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