Chapter 8: Who Are You

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I thought I would go ahead with the next chapter. Sorry about the last chapter being late. I fell asleep in the middle of it lol

Hope it turned out ok:)

**Now for their meeting**

Hope ya like:)


Walking towards the window, I glanced out trying to calm my nerves. I wonder why I feel on edge in his presence. It wasn't like this, with Princess Caroline. My nervousness evaporated immediately.Unfortunately, it's not now though. Ugh!

I hear him clear his throat. Suddenly, I get this strong perception that he hates all the pretenses. People treating him differently, the never knowing if the person's actions are artificial or motivated by what they want from him. That makes my heart hurt for him. To know that there is nothing that can change it. It was part of his life and would always be there no matter what. Just as we will always require oxygen to breath or water to drink, he would have people that would be completely artificial and deceitful. The thought of having that kind of life depressing. Instantly, I'm more thankful than ever to be an average middle-class person. Then, I almost chuckled out loud. If, I voiced my pity for a prince, people would roll on the floor laughing, I'm sure. In that split second, I made an altering decision. I know this could be risky on many different levels, but I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. I would be myself completely not holding anything back. I would experience at least one person that could care less that he is the Prince of Terintian and one day be King. Hopefully, this won't land me in jail for disobeying some royal law. But, for the next 5 weeks if he chooses to be in my presence he would get the real Kylie. With attitude and sass. Before I changed my mind or chickened out, I bluntly let my mouth do want it always wants to do. Speak before the brain has time to recover my common sense. Still standing at the window, I don't turn around but I start to speak as I hear him approaching me.

"So your 'HIGHNESS' , sending a guard after me and have him to drag me here, was that your way of trying to intimidate me me? It didn't work, sorry to disappoint. You might have the power to get me kicked out of here, or even the country for that matter. But, you will never have real power over me. Honestly, what I said wasn't that offensive, surly."

I had heard him stop walking while I said that. Though, he continued walking again. I could feel more hear that he was directly behind me. He knew how to use his good looks to get what he wanted, I would have to be careful with him. Because, though I might feel sympathy for him, I would never let myself become involved with him. First, I can't ignore the articles that talk about his player ways. But, the most important thing was I would not end up like my sister. A middle-class American would get her if she got herself involved with a prince. No matter what country they were from. While, I was pondering over that I realized he was not going to respond to me. He wanted me to turn around. I bet my doggie dog dog that he was just close enough that if I turned around I would be up against his chest. Yep, not gonna happen. So, I continue with not moving a muscle.

"I would have thought that a manly 'PRINCE' like yourself would not feel so insecure. I'm sure there are a lot of those giggly girls that would love to be hanging on your arm and your every word."

I swear it's like I could hear his eyebrow raise to that comment. I was wondering about now what kind of temper he had. However, I didn't stop, I continued.

"I will remind you it was under my breath, after all. How was I to know, you have an usual ability to hear even the slightest murmur. "

Oh, dear he just got even closer, I can feel his breath in my hair. He is pulling all the guns out I see. I can't believe he is still being completely silent. Well, I'm in this deep now so why stop, right?

"Again, you are trying to intimidate me with your silence. Yet, it will not work with me. I'm just not your average American, you see. I'm from the south. You know, we are known for being southern belles. What people don't say about us is that we have quite a sassy mouth at times. It increases the charm, I'm sure.."

This time I decided to move just a tad closer to the window, snap I had too! That cologne and strong man essence was killing me. This had to stop, so I go in for the kill. If he remains silence I will declare he is thinking of hanging me or chopping off my head.

"By the way, I wanted to ask you about that hearing ability you have. So, have you went to a doctor to check it? I mean, it's quite abnormal don't you think? Last time I saw you plastered on some gossip thingy your ears looked a normal size to me, even if I girl was putting her tongue in it."

Finally, a normal reaction! He busts out laughing. I take that opportunity to move around him to give us some space. I also give in to my curiosity and turn around. Wow, he is almost on his knees with laughter. Well, yeah I guess he doesn't get much of my kind of wit. Most people don't for that matter. Tears are actually running down he's cheeks. He is really to handsome for his own good. Those eyes, killers I tell you. Not that I'm falling for them. I wonder if he has even ever had the chance to laugh so unrestrained before. Well, as he finally calms somewhat down, I finally get to hear Prince Emmet's deep baritone and may I say sexy voice.

"Who the hell are you?"


So, what's ya think?

talk to me:)


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