Chapter 4: Jet Lag

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Thanks for everyone words of encouragement!

Next to chapter will set up for that first meeting...

Hope you enjoy


I am so exhausted. The last three days had been insane. Trying to get ready for a 5 week vacation in a day isn't easy. My small habit of running late hasn't helped. Then add my wonderful forte of having bad luck it's been nightmarish to say the least. :ate for flights, cancelled flights, more missed flights due to cancelled flights, and even having a plane with a flat tire. At this moment, I am fuming because they have 'misplaced' my luggage. As I give the innocent airline lady my devil kill eye, I just decide to head for the hotel and worry and my luggage tomorrow.

After a long bath and nineteen hours of sleep, I feel human again. Now, I can tackle the luggage issue without screaming at the innocent airline employees. I will not hesitate to tell George what I think of the airlines he picked. A knock at the door makes me loose my train of thought, not that it was important in the first place. So getting up, I go chuck what my next will be.

"Good evening Ms. Matthews, sorry to disturb you. Mr. Glass requested that this package be given to you once you had settled.", said the cute little thing standing in front of me. Suddenly he seemed to get nervous. He starts studdering, "I..have..not awakened you...have...I?"

I give him a smile to reassure him that he did not. This seems to have caused him to start turning red. Hmm. That is strange. I pretend not to notice and said, " Not at all, thank you. I am completely re-energized and ready to explore your wonderful country!"

Well dear lord, that seems to have caused the poor boy even more embarrassment. Though, I have no clue why. Maybe he has some kind of affliction that causes his face to turn bright red for no apparent reason. Shaking off that thought, I clear my throat to try to get him more focused. I don't want the dude to get even redder. But, I had my hand out for the package; however, he seems to have forgotten why he is here. Poor dude. Maybe he's just overworked. He then shoves the package in my hand clearly realizing I had been waiting. I try to give him a tip but he runs off saying it was his pleasure, and there is no need for a tip. I shrug closing the door.

I look at the envelope thinking it is quite large. What in the world could it be? Then it hit me that George had mentioned the details would be waiting for me here. What details was the question. What else could possibly be needed. They had gotten this extremely large penthouse for me. Heck this whole trip was crazy. I will not be taking anymore from them. They are way to generous with this trip! I huff loudly. Well I start Opening the huge envelope and immediately see George's handwriting.


Don't worry I will get the letter up just a little bit. I just needed to break it up.

Let me know what you think plz.


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