Forbidden Thirst

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Stupid Forgetting Syringe! Stupid Jiro! Stupid Ella! Stupid Chun!! STUPID ARRON!!!!!

She sat up from her futon, her eyes wet with tears. She stared at her alarm clock, which read 3:00 am. She hadn’t gotten any sleep that night for the thought of that evil Forgetting Syringe and the pessimistic vampires flooded her head with much disturbance. How could they just say that they’ll leave her life forever just like that?

There’s always hope! But they can’t see it because they’re so…they’re so…STUPID!

She fell back on the fluffy pillows on her futon, her mind in turmoil. She was just a human & there was nothing more she could do to prevent Ella’s death and Arron’s capture.

She had no powers, she couldn’t do black magic or witch craft…she couldn’t do anything. She was frustrated. She wanted to help them out so much but all she could do was do what a normal human does. It made her heart tear into pieces and it wasn’t a nice feeling at all.

She rubbed her eyes, which were now plentiful in tears and stood up. She opened the lights and opened the window. A cool breeze brushed against her cheeks and her hair. It blew away her tears and she sighed. She watched the stars sparkle effortlessly in the sky. “I don’t want to forget you” she murmured.

The brunette definitely knew that it would be less painful if she would forget about Ella and Arron but at the same time, she still wanted them to remain in her heart.

Especially Arron.



He had made himself a little space in her heart and day by day, no…minute by minute the little space would grow deeper and bigger and she felt that it would take over both her heart and her mind. And though she thought it was a terrible feeling because it would make her face flush hotly, she wanted it to remain forever because the thought of Arron made her feel warm.

She didn’t know what this feeling was. It was bittersweet. She couldn’t understand it. She had never felt this way for anyone before. What was this?


Hebe found herself in a dark place, holding Arron in her arms.

“Arron!!Wake up!!”

“Congratulations, moron…your wish came true...I got it back…”

“That’s good…but why are you so weak?”

“It’s overwhelming, I guess. My body’s not used to it, I think this is the possible end of me…”

“But…why?! Arron!! You’re lying!!”

Arron shook his head. “I have something to tell you…”



Hebe sat up again; she felt eye bags forming below her eyes. Sweat trickled down her neck. She stood up and looked at the window, dawn was settling in and the window was decorated with frost. Hebe went out of her room to eat some breakfast so she wouldn’t be late for school.

She went to the kitchen and put some water into a kettle to heat it up. She got some powdered hot chocolate from the pantry and spooned some into a mug. While the water boiled, she got some bread from the breadbox and took a piece and got some butter from the refrigerator as well.

“It was that dream again…” she told herself, as she spread the butter on the bread.

Why did that dream torment her so? She didn’t even know what the hell it meant but she was still bothered by it very much.

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