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“Painkillers again?” the brunette groaned, lifting her head from a magazine she was reading.

It had been about two weeks or so since the basilisk incident and Hebe had been discharged out of the hospital although her arm and leg still remained recovering inside the cast and her torso was still bandaged for it had been wounded.

December was closing in and the weather was getting colder by the day. All the birds in Hebe’s village had gone off to the south now and the trees were now leafless for winter had already begun. Hebe, herself was excited for the snow that would begin anytime soon and she would stare at the sky every so often to see if there were snowflakes beginning to fall already.

“Drink up” Grandpa said, handing her the two bitter tablets that she was prescribed to take to ease the pain of her broken leg & arm and her wounded torso.

“I don’t want to!” Hebe whined. She hated the taste of the painkillers; it tasted like a dirty bathroom floor.

“It’s your consequence for attempting to save a kitten from a roof and then falling down” Grandpa replied sternly. Apparently, Hebe & Arron had to lie their way through Grandpa when he found out about Hebe checking into the hospital.

Hebe pouted but simply took the two pills and chugged them into her mouth whilst gulping down some water.

“YUCK” she said, sticking out her tongue, which was now suffering from the horrible taste of dirty-bathroom-floor.

Our favorite raven-haired vampire came out of his room, yawning. “Still in that cast; strawberry ice-cream?”

“Yes! I can’t wait to get out of it and start walking again…and don’t call me strawberry ice cream, you perverted ignoramus! I’d rather you call me strawberry. WAIT. What am I saying? Don’t call me anything!”

Arron simply smirked and made himself comfortable on the couch.

“Ah…Arron!! Thank God you’ve woken up” Grandpa said, coming out of the kitchen.


“Can you please do me a favor, please?”

“What is it?”

“Can you go to Hebe’s school & pick up Hebe’s missed homework? Chun can’t come over today and bring her homework since he has basketball…so can you? Her classroom is III-A”

"What the hell? Go to Hebe’s school & pick up her homework?"

“Please, Arron!” Hebe said, making her trademark puppy-dog-face.

Arron felt a blush creeping up his cheek and realizing this, he immediately shook his head to shake the redness off his face.

“Fine, fine!” he said, slipping on his jacket. “I’ll go!”


“Ugh…whatever!” Arron yelled, running out the door in the hope that Grandpa or Hebe didn’t see him blushing over the idiot.



Why? The dark-haired boy wondered, kicking the remaining scarlet leaves that were lying on the pavement. The weather was incredibly cold and the sky was gray in preparation for the frozen precipitation. Arron rubbed his hands together to warm himself & put his hands on his face.

Why did that idiot make him feel all strange? He definitely knew that Hebe was very important to him to the point of thinking about her every so often but he never did expect her to bring butterflies into his stomach & make his heart feel so hot.

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