Excruciating Loneliness

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Hebe was angry, no doubt about it.

Angry at who?

Well, angry at Arron of course.

And it wasn’t the “He-is-a-pervert” kind of angriness. It was the frustrated type, the kind of angriness you would feel when somebody is nagging you and you’re tired of it. She had a tugging feeling pulling her down and she didn’t know what to think anymore.

She wanted to believe Arron but she wasn’t strong enough.

Who was doing everything anyway?

Her mind was in turmoil as she bandaged herself in the darkness of her bedroom. She hadn’t spoken to Arron for a week now. She had to admit that it was quite difficult since she would often forget that she WAS angry with him and try to talk to him, but she promised herself that she wouldn’t talk to him until he told her the truth.

Scraped legs and having bruises were no fun at all. How could she wear her favorite mini skirts now without people noticing her legs? Call her sensitive. She didn’t care. She was pissed at Arron and that was final.


Summer was arriving any time now. The sky was bluer than ever and the sun belted everybody with its scorching heat. The grass had begun to dry to a shade of brown and everyone took out their lawn sprinklers.

Ella watched the children next door run around the sprinklers wearing their colorful sprinklers. Their parents were barbequing some pork chops and preparing lemonade.Ella’s mouth watered in pure envy. No, she didn’t want the pork chops or the lemonade. She wanted a family.

It was hard to resist. Ever since the heat had begun, that family had been barbequing and running around the sprinklers all day long and all the dark-haired girl could do was watch from her window, whilst her heart was being crushed.

Oh, wait…she didn’t have a heart.

It’s difficult to explain Ella’s feelings as the weeks go by. She grows more envious and depressed everyday and she didn’t enjoy it at all. Her life was a lie and she knew it. But dear reader, I am not going to explain that until we reach the further chapters.

Ella drew the curtains and sank into the misery of her dismal house. Was it even a house? It was more like a morgue. It was cold, sad and there was no life that stirred about. It was her little prison that she couldn’t get out of until she finally completed her mission. Well, completing her mission wouldn’t make her something anyway – she would just return to her evil master whom she hated.

“Kanashimi” she murmured. She missed her so. Kanashimi was her best friend and losing her companion was like a lollipop losing its stick. It was painful.

Ding Dong

Ella stood up and opened the door. Oh great, she thought. It was the person whom she’d rather not see.

“Good morning, Ella!” he said and entered without being asked.

“I didn’t ask you to come in, Chun” she told him.

“Boyfriends go into their girlfriend’s house right?” the boy grinned.

“Stop kidding around!” snapped Ella.

“I’m not joking” Chun said, looking at Ella with much seriousness. Ella gulped.

Her heart raced as he put his hands on her shoulders. Why? Why was he doing this? Was this some torture she had to endure every time he met her? It was stupid!! But still, it felt good and she didn’t know why.

“Loser!” Chun laughed, hitting Ella on the shoulder.

Ella turned pink. “You stupid…”

“Man, you can’t take a joke can you?” he said, making himself comfortable on Ella’s couch.

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