Cousin Rain

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‘Arron, you can run – but remember we’re watching…’

‘What the hell are you talking about?!”

‘Arron, even though you hide from us – we’re still going to find you. We’re going to rob you of what you’re trying to hide from us…remember, we’re everywhere…”

“SHUT UP!!!”

“We’re everywhere Arron. We’re here, we’re there…there’s no escape from us. We’re going to make you a pure vampire…”

“GO AWAY!!!”

“You can tell that to us now but remember…”

“We can decide to kill you any moment”

The raven-haired boy sat up from his futon. His pillows were scattered everywhere and his pillow was practically drenched with cold sweat. His heart raced as he stood up and recalled that horrible nightmare. He wiped his forehead and gave a slight cough. We can decide to kill you any moment… he shook his head and put his fingers on his temples. Oh God, that was one hell of a nightmare.

He opened the door and walked to the bathroom. He opened the sink and washed his face, hoping to wash away his nervousness and fear. He wiped his face and turned around. There, was an infuriated Hebe.

She sat in the bathtub, staring at him angrily. Everything except her face was covered in bubbles. But even though she was completely concealed, she was definitely angry. Her face was red with embarrassment and he could already feel her making a fist.

Without standing up, she took a soap bar and threw it at Arron. “YOU PERVERT!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!”

The soap bar fell on the floor and Arron slipped on it carelessly (he wasn’t that much aware of his surroundings because he wasn’t able to get that much sleep last night). He fell backwards and hit the door.

“JEEZ. Shut the hell up! It’s not my fault that you didn’t lock the door!!”



Before Arron could continue, the door swung open. It hit his head and he hit himself on the hard, bathroom wall.

The two of us looked up who opened the door. A short, brown-haired girl with wavy hair and coffee colored eyes barged into the bathroom and went in front of the sink and admired her face for awhile. Ugh. Cousin Rain!!!!

Well, her name isn’t Rain anyway (I call her Rain because she loves the Korean singer Rain plus its also short form of her name and she calls me Stupid-Face because according to her, I look like I’m a mistake of nature and so she christened me with that dumb name). We’re cousins on my dad’s side and when we first met each other during a family reunion, we’ve been mortal enemies ever since.

I mean, she’s the only person in the world who put sand in my spaghetti!

The only person who put clay in my fish aquarium (which is the main reason why my fish died)!

And the only person who calls me Stupid-Face!

She lives in Tokyo but sometimes she comes her to Taipei to visit grandpa and me. I get so pissed off whenever she brags about the expensive clothes, jewelry, shoes and other things she bought in Tokyo. I haven’t been to the city so I don’t know what she’s talking about. She’s always like “Oh dear! Tokyo is way better than Taipei– but you can’t really help it for being the only orphan in our family, can you? I guess you’ll end up just a farm girl while I hit the night clubs and such…” UGH! SHE’S SO ANNOYING!!!!

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