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The year was X679. I was only ten-years-old then, but I remember it like it was yesterday. My class was rewarded with a mini vacation of a week, so I sat in the mage guild, 'Red Lizard,' bored out of my mind. Everyone was having a merry time. Even 6 year old Mavis Vermillion, who was sitting on the bar enjoying her favorite book, Fairy Quest. Sadly, it didn't last very long. My father, Master Jeself, slapped the book out of her hand.

"How long are ya gonna keep slackin' off, you little shit," he barked.

Mavis started to tremble, "I'm sorry! But...I finished cleaning the inside of the guild."

Father picked her up by the back of her tattered dress, "I told you it to clean the outside too!! Don't be a smart ass!!!"

He dropped her before stomping on her book. Mavis' eyes widened as he destroyed the book.

"What's a little shit like you doing pretending to read anyways?!"

Mavis didn't answer. She just looks sadly at the pile of ash that use to be her book. The other guild members started laughing.

"Don't tell me ya thinkin' of learning magic," one taunted.

Another laughed harder, "psht. Give it up."

"Get to cleaning! On the double," one yelled.

Another held his nose, "take a bath while you're at it. You reek."

Mavis look at the ground. She start to walk to the entrance with her broom in hand, but father called her back.

"Oi, Mavis. Who did you ask to buy those shoes for you?"

"Master Jeself," she answered quietly.

"That's right," he's smirked, "I've decided they don't suit a little shit like you. Give them back."

I stood up, "father! That's going too far."

He glared at me, "stay out of this Yuki."

"But father..."

"Butt Out!!"

I quickly sat back down trembling from the anger in his voice. He turned back to Mavis waiting for her to give up the shoes.

"But...," Mavis looked back at father, "I... I only have this one pair..."

"When I tell you to do something, you do it! No back talk!!! You Useless Idiot!"

Mavis reluctantly handed over the shoes then went outside and started sweeping.

"Yuki," father turn to me, "don't ever do something like that again or I swear, you'll regret it."

I looked down, "yes father."

As he walked off, I look out the window it Mavis. She was looking down sadly at her bare feet. Suddenly a brown blog ran past Mavis.

"I'm home, Papa!"

It was my little sister, Zera. Like Mavis, Zera was 6 years old, but unlike Mavis, Zera was treated like a princess.

"Ohhh! Zera, how was school today," father asked as Zera jumped into his arm.

"Boring! Everyone so stupid," she giggled.

Father rubbed her head, "that's cuz you're a little genius!"

Zera smiled at me, "I'm home, big sis!"

I gave a small smile, "welcome home, Zera."

Father brought out Mavis' old shoes bringing Zera's attention back to him.

The Birth of Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail Zero fanfic) (Hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now