Mixed Feelings

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Elena's POV

It's been a few hours since Caroline left and I really wish she hadn't because Klaus and I have had one to many drinks and we are making a complete fools of ourselves in this diner. I hear my favorite song come on and I put my hand out to Klaus.

"May I have this dance?"

I ask laughing.

"Why of course Mrs. Gilbert"

He says taking my hand and kissing it. The feel of his lips on my skin instantly sends chills through my body. His left hand finds its way to my waits and his right hand intertwined with my left. I'm not sure how long we dance but whenever we snap back into reality the diner staff is putting the chairs up on the tables and everyone else is gone.

"They must be closing. What time is it?"

I ask Klaus. He looks at his phone

"It's only 12:00"

"12:00!! I have to get home, I have to get back to Damon!"

I say grabbing my purse.

"Wait Elena, I want to take you somewhere first"

He says smiling. I give him a sympathetic look.

"Klaus I can't I have to get home"

"it will only take a minute love"

He protest.

"Okay fine, but make it quick"

I snap at him. We walk outside and feel the chill of the wind on my face. We walk down a few blocks and come to a museum. Which is of course closed but in the window you can see lovely paintings.

"They're beautiful"

I say not looking away from the paintings.

"Thank you"

He says smiling.

"Wait you did these?"

I ask pointing at the paintings.

"I did"

He says putting his hands in his pockets. I examine the paintings closer and at the bottom right corner there is name. Klaus Michealson.

"Who knew you could be so deep"

I say looking at him. His features really stood out in the light from the street lamp and the moon. He looks different somehow, he looks innocent.

"There is more to me then what you think Elena"

He says turning to look at me.

"It's funny how just about a month ago I was so madly in love with you, now I'm marrying Damon"

I surprise myself when I say that.

"Do you ever miss it?"

He asks. I look at him confused.

"Miss what?"

"Being in love with me"

He responds. He takes me by surprise and it takes me a few seconds to respond.

"Honestly i try not to think about it. I try not to think about how in love I was with you. Because if I do think about it then all I feel is pain. I never stopped loving you Klaus, I'm just not in love with you... Those are two very different things"

I say looking down.

"Elena I -"

I cut him off.

"I should be getting home it's late"

I say and start walking towards his car. I feel a tear start running down my cheek but I quickly wipe it away, I can hear him walking behind me. I go to open the car door but he puts his hand on top of mine and stops me. I turn and look at him.

"What Klaus?"

"Elena I still love you and I can't move on from that.

I stare at him for a second wondering what I should do, and I don't if it's because I'm drunk or maybe it's what I really want but I lean up and kiss him, I feel all these memories of us come rushing back and it feels right to be with him, to be kissing him, but then I think of Damon and how much I love him, I'm marrying him. I can't be kissing Klaus. I pull away and he opens my door gesturing for me to get in.

I arrive home after a long night to find the house trashed and a drunk passed out Damon on the stairs.

"Hey, Damon get up"

I attempt several times to wake him up but it's not working, I walk over to the table and grab a red solo cup which contains beer and I pour it on him.

"Elena what the hell?"

He says jumping up.

"Sorry you weren't waking up"

I say folding my arms.

"Where have you been?"

He asks, removing his drenched shirt.

"It's a long story, I'm tired I'm going to bed"

I say walking up the stairs.

"I'll be there in a minute"

He says. I go into our bedroom and change out of my clothes and into one of Damon's t-shirts. I lay down in bed and stare up at the ceiling. I'm so mad at myself for kissing Klaus what the hell is wrong with me!?". I feel the bed dip down beside and a hand grab mine.

"I love you Elena"

Damon says.

"I love you too"

I say smiling. I roll over and go to sleep.

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