Wedding gifts

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After deciding that this is the dress we walk up to the counter and pay for it I grab my credit card out of my purse but Klaus stops me.

"No need love, I got it"

He says winking.

"No Klaus I can't let you pay for this"

I protest. He hands the woman a wad of cash.

"Really it's not a big deal"

He says. I can't believe that he just paid for my wedding dress.

"Thank you Klaus"

I say smiling at him.

"Let's go get some food"

Caroline says heading out the door I grab the bag which contains my 3,500 dollar wedding dress inside and walk out the door, I turn to Klaus.

"Would you like to come eat with us?"

I say smiling.

"Well of course"

Damon's POV


I say as soon as he walks through the door.

"I still don't understand why you called me to help you with a bachelor party"

He says curiously. I roll my eyes.

"Because Ric you are my best and only friend"

I say using hand gestures.

"Well shouldn't Stefan be here helping you?"

He asks.

"Stefan is probably off pouting somewhere, he'll get over"

I say

"Now, call everyone on your contacts list and tell them to be here at 8:00 tonight, I'm going to call Elena"

I say grabbing my phone.

Elena's POV

We found this little diner called Sue's not to far from the dress shop. Klaus insisted I sit next to him in the booth. A short blonde haired waitress comes up and takes out order, the whole time she is eyeing Klaus. I roll my eyes and order a beer. My phone goes off in my purse. Damon.


"Was dress shopping a success?"

He asks.

"Yeah and Klaus was generous enough to pay"

I say looking over and smiling at him.

"Klaus!? Elena, what the hell is he doing there!?"

Damon asks raising his voice.

"He insisted on being here... Damon it's okay. Have fun at your party... I love you."

I say then hang up.

"Well he seems upset"

Klaus says. I can understand why he would be I mean why wouldn't he be? Klaus really shouldn't be here I used to be in love with him, this isn't right.

"Why wouldn't he be?"

I say looking down. The waitress returns not to long after with our food.

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