Because of you

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"Matt how's Damon?"

I've only been on the road for two hours but I need to know how he's doing

"He's fine Elena, he's sleeping. You know he's pissed that you didn't say goodbye to him right?"

"I know but he was sleeping and I knew that if I told him I was leaving he wouldn't let me go"

" I will let you know if anything happens be careful Elena"

He says then hangs up. I look at the clock, 1:08am, I should be there by morning, I just hope Klaus is feeling generous.

*arrives in New Orleans

I have no idea where to start looking for klaus but something tells me that's it's not far from a bar so I found one right smack dab in the middle of New Orleans. I open up the door to the bar and the smell of cigarette smoke and tequila fill my nose, I walk up to the bartender.

"Excuse me but I was wondering if you would know where I could find Klaus Michealson?"

"I'm sorry but i don't know anybody by that name"

She says then goes back to polishing glasses, I can tell by the look on her face that she is lying and I'm running out of time so I guess I'll compel the truth out of her, I look her in the eyes.

"Where can I find Klaus Michealson"

"He lives on Front St. In the mansion"


I walk out of the bar and head to Front St.

I finally arrive at the Michealson mansion on Front St. I run up to the door and knock rapidly, when Rebekah opens the door.

"Elena what the bloody hell are you doing here?"

She asks with a surprised look on her face.

"Where's Klaus?"

"He's in his room, Elena whats go-"

But I don't  even let her finish I run inside and I hear movement coming from one of the rooms upstairs, I vamp up to the room only to find a shirtless Klaus.

"Uhm. Um. I'm uh sorry I didn't know that you were indecent"

I say nervously while covering my eyes

"Elena love, what brings you here?"

I partly uncover my eyes seeing that he now has a shirt on.

"It's Damon, he was bitten by a hybrid"

"Aw and I suppose that you want my blood"

"Yes, but I suppose you want something in return, shocker, what do you want Klaus?"

"Well Elena, I have been feeling particularly guilty about all the chaos I have caused in your life so I would like to make it up to you by taking you to dinner."

A confused look washes over my face

"You want to take me to dinner while my boyfriend is at home dying if you want to make it up to me just give me your damn blood"

The Vampire Diaries (Klaus and Elena)Where stories live. Discover now