The Reunion

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"You're what!?"

He says raising his voice, standing up.

"Come on brother at least pretend to be happy for me"

Damon says with a smirk. I elbow him.

"Stefan I know that this is not the best news in the world to you, but we're happy, so will you please just get on board"

I say sympathetic. I know the Stefan is still in love with me and I will always love him but I am not in love with him. I'm in love with Damon and I always will be whether Stefan likes it or not. He's silent for a moment then he nods his head.

"Okay, fine. I'm happy for you too"

He says looking at both of us. Damon stands up and gives him a brotherly hug.

"So when's the bachelor party"

Stefan asks.

"Well I was hoping you could help me with that"

Damon responds

"I hear Caroline pulling in the driveway, we're going dress shopping. You to have fun"

I say smiling. I grab my purse and walk out the door. I run up to Caroline's car and get in.

"Okay so what's the exciting news you have to tell me!?"

She asks smiling. I hold up my hand and show Caroline my engagement ring.


She yells smiling from ear to ear.

"Yes! And I was hoping that you would want to go dress shopping with me!"

"Of course!, we should probably call Bonnie and see if she wants to go"

She says grabbing her phone.

"No Car don't, Bonnie doesn't really like Damon so something tells me she won't be on board with the whole idea"

"Oh okay, yeah I understand. Let's go!"

She says putting the car in drive and pulling out of the driveway.

Damon's POV

I close the door when Elena leaves and turn around to Stefan with a grin on my face.

"Call Ric"

I say pointing at his cell phone on the table.

"Why do I need to call Alaric?"

He asks. Oh Stefan always so clueless

"Because Stefan I cannot plan a bachelor party without him."

He narrows his eyes at me, oh no this isn't going to be good.

" do you really think I'm going to help you celebrate you marrying the love of my life"

He says then walks out of the house, well that could have gone better. I pull my phone out of my pocket and call Ric.

Elena's POV

We arrive at a dress shop on the outskirts of Mystic Falls.

"We're here"

Caroline says putting the car in park. I get out of the car and look through the windows of the dress shop, I see beautiful white gowns and a smile appears on my face I can't believe that I am getting married this weekend. I really wish my mom could be here for this, I wish she could help me pick out my dress and we could argue about flower arrangements. I wish my dad was here too so that he could tell me I'm to young to get married, and he could walk me down the aisle. My eyes start to water. No I will not cry, today is a good day.

Caroline and I walk in to the dress shop and black haired woman walks up to us.

"May I help you?"

She asks looking back and forth between Caroline and I

"Yes actually I am getting married this weekend so I am in desperate need of a dress"

I say with a worried look on my face.

"No need to worry, I'm sure we have something that you will like, follow me"

She says taking us through a maze of dresses.

"Oh how about this one?"

The black hair girl asks holding up a dress with a sweetheart neckline and beading.

"It's cute"

I say nodding my head, we pick out a few more and head to the dressing room, the woman commands Caroline to stay in the "presentation" room where I walk down a runway so that she can judge my dress. I go into the dressing room and examine all of the dresses that I have picked out. I pick the one that I think it's the cutest and slip it on. I look in the small mirror on the wall. Wow it definitely gives me more of a figure, I don't exactly feel that "spark" that you're suppose to feel with the right dress but I guess I'll show Caroline anyway. I open the door to the dressing room and walk out, Caroline looks at me trying to figure out wether it's the one or not.

"I like it it, but it doesn't scream Elena"

She says running her eyes up and down the dress.

"Well I have to disagree."

I hear a familiar voice say, I turn my head and look in the corner, and my heart drops.


I say nervously.

"What are you doing here?"

I ask.

"Elena I know that you hate me but I would really like it if you would let me be here for such an important moment in your life"

He says walking towards me. I hug him, I inhale his scent, I've missed him so much I can't even stand to be mad at him anymore.

"Of course Klaus you can stay"

I say smiling at him, he returns the smile and sits down. I look over to Caroline who is giving me that suspicious friend look. I know why she would be suspicious of me for letting Klaus stay while I shop for dresses for Damon and mines wedding, but I've missed him and despite all that has happened he is still a important part in my life.

"I'll go try another dress on"

I can feel them staring me down the whole way into the dressing room. I examine the dresses again and i realize that it's not about what dress i like or what dress I want, it's about me looking good for Damon, I want to get the dress that he would like. I scan them over one by one and I find one with diamonds on it, it's low cut and strapless, the bottom of the dress ripples like waves in a pond. I slip it on, this is it, this is the one. I smile and walk back out of the dressing room. I look over to Klaus and I see his face drop and it's like he's mesmerized by me, I hear Caroline gasp.

"Ahh, that's the one!"

She says with enthusiasm.

A/N Just to let you guys know I am now taking suggestions for a new vampire diaries fanfic.(:

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