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Most of you know me as a nice person. I'm that person who votes on all your chapters and comments about the book and tries to encourage you as much as I can. I honestly am nice in some ways and I'm not lying to you when I say those things.

But I'm actually a sarcastic person whose sole purpose in this book is to verbally eviscerate each and every thing that annoys the fuck outta me whenever I read a werewolf book! I am not going to hold back anything and if your book falls into any of these and you get offended, I will share what I am going to do.

Waste a minute of my life reading your shitty comment (if you're lucky)
Get on with previously mentioned life

I'm going to be honest with you my little wolves, I do not care if you hate my rants or get offended. It is my rant book and if you have a problem...
*points to door*
See that door? Yeah, leave before I kick your ass through it

I will be covering the topics below (in no particular order whatsoever) and if you have more suggestions I will be more than happy to rant about them as well. Some rants may be shorter than others and some may be longer who knows?

- Titles
- Covers
- Alpha Assholes
- Kidnapping and Stockholm Syndrome
- White and Black wolves
- "Special" Snowflakes
- Slamming girls into walls
- Diversity
- Weak Women
- Slut Shaming (watch out when I cover this)
- Nudity
- Abused Omegas
- Mental Illnesses
- Abusive Mates
- Happily Ever Afters
- Bad Boys
- Other Irks and Quirks!

Last Note:
For now I will be focusing on the werewolf genre since that is the primary genre I read but I may expand into broader topics at a later date! If you want a specific topic that may not be confined to the werewolf genre go ahead and ask and I'll see if I can get to it...

Yours Truly,
The Wolf Queen

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