Chapter 20

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- Emmalina's Point of View -

I walked out from behind the curtain, ringing my hair out while trying to figure out an excuse. I thought I might have at least five minutes...But I was wrong. Samantha was right there when I came out from behind the curtain.

"Where...On earth...Have you been?" She asked, rather strictly.

"I...Went for a walk." I pulled the classic excuse.

"Then how do you explain these pails of water you call clothes?"

"I...Well I...I went for a swim."

"A SWIM?!?"

I nodded like it was perfectly logical and turned around to organize my few belongings. Which consisted of a blanket and pillow.

"Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"Well it wasn't raining, was it?"

"Emma, I know you've done some crazy things, but swimming when it's practically freezing outside? I think not."

"It's not freezing. It's actually quite warm for spring."

"For spring. But spring isn't known for being what you'd call warm around here. Emma, why won't you tell me the truth."

She looked hurt that I didn't trust her and I began to feel guilty.

"Fine. I'll tell you. But you have to promise not to tell anyone. Anyone. Promise?"

"I promise." She nodded enthusiastically.

And I told her the whole story.


Samantha's jaw hung there for almost a full minute when Callum knocked on the wooden frame of the tent.

"Come in." I said, remembering to push Samantha's jaw back up before he came in.

"Em, why on earth did you come into camp looking like a marsh wiggle?" (If you have ever read 'The Silver Chair' by C.S. Lewis, you'll know what a marsh wiggle is (;

"Well...Um..." I looked at Samantha for back up.

"She...She...She went for a swim."

We both smiled, hoping he would fall for the plot that couldn't possibly be more see-through. He raised one eyebrow that said, 'Do you really think I'm that stupid?'.

"It's practically 50 degrees outside...And you go for a swim?"

I smile and nod, not giving up my ploy that quickly.

"I can't tell you." I finally gave in.

"Why not?"

"You'll freak out."

He suddenly looked at me with a shocked face.

"You didn't?"

"Didn't what?"

I had this weird feeling that he knew every detail of what happened.

"Em...Why did you try drowning yourself?"

Samantha and my jaws dropped.

"How...How did you know that?" I asked, shocked.

"Em, I know you too well. You're a terrible liar...But what were you thinking?"

"Callum," Samantha cut in, much to my relief. "Before Emma makes this look as bad as it possibly can-" I adopted a hurt look, but I knew it was true. 

"Let me explain this to you, in detail."

We all sat down and I took a seat that would be easy to get up from and had good access to the doorway, just in case he made a leap for me.


Callum's jaw was wide open. He didn't say a word. Finally, I went over to him and shut his jaw.

"Are you alright?" I asked, with a slight smirk.

"Am I alright?" He said it like it was a ridiculous question.

"I'm not the one you should be worried about. Em, you almost got killed."

"Yeah, just like that time when I supposedly jumped off the balcony." I didn't mean to, but I felt kind of soar at Callum for not believing me that I didn't know I was doing it.

"Em, I'm sorry for not believing you."

"Sorry doesn't cut it. Callum, I thought we were friends? I thought you knew that I'd never lie to you?"

"Never lie to me, huh?" He was getting angry now.

"What about just ten minutes ago?"

I bit my lip. He had a point.

"That's not the same." I tried to slide my way out of it.

"No, it is...Look," He took a deep breath, trying to contain his temper.

"I know, you've been through a lot, but I want to help. Why do you keep putting a wall between us? Why do you keep blocking me out?"

I looked down at my bare feet, trying to keep the tears back. He knew there was a huge barrier between us, and that it was almost unsolvable.

"Callum, there's a huge gap. You know that. I tried to have faith, but it seemed as though He kept taking everything away from me." I couldn't see clearly through the tears anymore.

"Taking everything away? Em, your dad is right outside by the fire. Can't you see? Even when you didn't keep the faith, He didn't give up on you. Why won't you just listen to the people who care about you?"

"BECAUSE NOBODY EVER HAS!" I yelled and stormed out of the tent, running past the fire to the surprised looks of everyone in the camp.

I realized that that last outburst had probably been really loud and they had most likely heard it. I didn't care. I ran strait into the trees, not looking back.


- Callum's Point of View -

I sat down on the bed and put my head in my hands. Sometimes she could just be so stubborn. I could hear the rain start outside. How appropriate, I thought. She thought she had nothing, but if she just looked around she'd realize, we're right here.

"Callum, it wasn't your fault. She just doesn't know how to break free. So much has happened, she's just confused and scared." Sam told me.

"Huh. Em. Scared? I think not. She never so much shed a tear." I hung my head even lower.

This was the first time I had seen her cry, and it was my fault.

"That doesn't mean she isn't scared. It just means that she has a strong spirit. She could do great things if she'd just realize she isn't worthless."

"But how?" I asked. 

Sam seemed so wise for her age.

"She's just a stubborn ole mule."

"A very pretty mule." Sam smiled.

I smiled for a second, remembering what Em had looked like this morning up on the hill. She really was.

"You'd better go and find her." Sam told me.

She was right. It was getting dark and the forest was no place to be when the sun went down.

We both got up and walked out of the tent. Just as we came out of the tent a large battalion of horsemen came through the trees, Em being held at sword point by an huge ugly man.

- Alright, there you guys go! What do you think? Do you like it? Do you hate it? I'd love to know (Even if you do hate it. LOL XD). Hope you liked the chapter and don't forget to vote on your way out. Thanks :D - Anna    

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