Chapter 13

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-Samantha's POV-

I sat in front of the small pond, looking at Callum as he paced back and forth. He sat down a minute, then got back up again, continuing his pacing. He leaned against a tree and ran his fingers through his hair for what seemed the millionth time. His hair was a mess from him practically tearing it out with stress.

"Why did I do that?" He asked, more to himself then me.

"Em could be in serious trouble. Or even worse..." He didn't finish.

He began his pacing again.

"It wasn't your fault Callum. There was nothing you nor me could do." I tried to comfort him.

I wondered if he knew he liked Emma. It was perfectly obvious to me, but a lot of the time people don't realize it themselves. I couldn't see how. It was so obvious it was practically shouting at him. But I had the feeling he didn't know it. All I knew is that it would kill him if anything happened to Emma. I mean, it wouldn't do me any good either, but Callum would most likely blame himself.

"Callum, come here." I ordered.

He walked over to me and sat down on the grass.

"Look at me."

He looked at me and I could see the stress and worry written on his face.

"It wasn't your fault. I don't want you doing something drastic because you weren't using your head. Emma would understand. That's just the way she is."

I could see his face soften a little as he thought about it. I let that sink in and then took a deep breath before continuing.

"Callum...Do you like Emma?"

"Of course I do!" He looked at me like I was insane.

"No. I mean, do you...Love, Emma?"

He looked at me for a good long while, not saying anything. Several times he opened his mouth to say something, then had second thoughts. I could see the conflicting emotions in his eyes. The confusion.

"No." He said standing up, running his fingers through his hair again.

I stood up as well.

"You don't?"

"No. I mean...I don't know."

He turned away, his breathing getting heavier.

There was nothing more I needed to say so I walked the other way to go find wood for a fire. It was getting dark and the last thing we wanted was wolves on our tails. At first I thought about it being spotted by what's his name. But then I realized, if they could catch us they would have already.


-Callum's POV-

"No. I mean...I don't know."

I turned away, not being able to bear the look she had on her face. My heart was pounding ten times faster now and my breathing got heavier. I could hear her footsteps moving away but I didn't ask where she was going. Probably to get fire wood or something. Once she had left I sat down in front of a tree and laid my head back. I didn't know what to think. I thought that if I liked someone I'd get all jittery around them and I wouldn't be able to speak. But I wasn't like that around Em. We could talk freely with each other and not have a qualm about it. We were fine. But when she was swinging that pick around, I know it sounds weird, but I realized how pretty she was. Now I know, it has nothing to do with beauty, but the thing is, before that I had never really thought of her as being...Beautiful. I mean, yeah she looked nice and all. But at that moment...I don't know. I didn't know what to think. Everything was flying at me at a hundred miles an hour. I didn't know what half these feelings were. I felt like a trapped rabbit. I wanted to love Em. But then again, we had a good friendship. It would be a shame to end it.

"What do I do?" I asked, looking at the blue sky.

"I'm so confused. Even if I do like Em, why would she want a guy like me. She's nice, pretty, has a great sense of humor. She goes hunting with us for Pete's sake!" I threw my hands up in the air, then buried my head in my knees.

"She's about as awesome and great as they come. And me...I'm Callum. No family, no education besides from the basics. I'm not even good looking."

Of course at the time I didn't consider that she had no family either and her education was probably more limited then mine.

"I'm an idiot. Of course she doesn't like me. She deserves better."

I was overwhelmed and tears started to prick my eyes. No way, Callum, I thought. No way you're going to cry about something like this. Be a man. You have a great friendship. Don't sabotage that. It won't do either of you any good.   

I stared at the pond and the blue water turned into figures. Em and the boys.


2 1/2 years earlier...

"Why don't we make these the goals?" Emma asked Callum and Joe.

"I don't know. They're pretty close." Joe said, rubbing his chin.

"Well how far do you want them?"

"I don't know. Farther then this."

"How did you come up with this game in the first place, Em?" Callum asked.

"Well, I was trying to do a flip off of the bench into the po-"

"Whoa, whoa, wait. You were trying to do a what?" Joe asked.

"A flip. Now, as I said, I was trying to do a flip off of the bench into the pond and-"

"Did you do it?" Callum asked.

"Well yes. Now, as I was saying, I was trying to do a flip off the bench into the pond and then-"

"Was it hard?" Joe asked.

"OH WHATEVER! Let's just get to the game. You don't seem to want to know anyway." Emma said, slightly annoyed.

"Forget the game. I want to see you do a flip." Callum said and Joe agreed.

Emma looked at them for a second then confessed that she would actually rather do a flip then play a game that they wouldn't be able to concentrate on.


She stood back and put one foot slightly forward. She took a deep breath and then jumped while curling up at the same time. She turned all the way around and her slim figure landed lightly on her feet.

"Cool. Can you do it backwards?" Callum asked.

"I don't know. I could try."

She stood in the same position as the last time, took an even deeper breath, and jumped, curling her body backwards instead of forward. She turned around in the air and was about to land, when her foot slipped and she fell to the ground. Her back was turned to the boys but she didn't move. They ran towards her.

"Are you alright?" Callum asked, all concern.

Emma's shoulders were shaking but when Callum looked at her face instead of crying, she was laughing. She doubled over in laughter and her face turned red and her sides heaved. She rolled in the grass and laughed hysterically.

"What's wrong with you?"

"You should have seen your face." She choked through the laughter.


I smiled at the memory. She had the strangest sense of humor. I had never seen her cry. Not once. She was so strong. But perhaps too strong.

-Alright guys, bit of a mushy chapter I know. But I didn't feel like writing a fighting scene or anything like that at the moment. So I got all the feeling out and now I can continue my story. Thanks for bearing with me. You guys are awesome. Hope you liked the chapter even if it was a bit mushy. LOL. Thanks XD - Anna 

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