Chapter 7

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- Callum's POV -

The next day I went to church along with several other wards. Joe came along and we talked for a while before church.

"So, how's Emma doing? Up to anything new?" He asked.

"She's doing fine. She's been up to the same things she's always done." I lied.

The Baron, the doctor, and me, had all decided that it was best to keep Em's little incidences a secret. At least until we knew what was going on.

"Callum, you've been looking sort of warn out lately. Has something been going on?"

"No. It's just that I haven't really been able to get to sleep till late. You know, studies and all." I lied again.

I felt kind of guilty during Liturgy. It had been a white lie, but that didn't excuse the fact that I had told a lie. I decided to go to confession after church. I always felt better after telling my sins to the priest. I guess it was the human interaction.

As we sang a hymn before communion I thought of how much I wished Em was here. Em never came to church. I wish she did, but I couldn't force her to. I thought how much Em would love the hymns if she just understood. She loved to sing, but she just couldn't contact her feelings enough to see the beauty of the Divine Liturgy. I saw Sam in one of the back pews and she seemed to be enjoying herself thoroughly. She had a big smile lighting her round face and her freckles stood out on her rosy cheeks. Maybe Sam could talk some sense into Em. She seemed to have gained Em's confidence, which was something a lot of people couldn't do.

As I walked back to my pew after communion I thought I caught a glance of someone peaking around the corner of the doors of the narthex, but it had been from the corner of my eye and when I looked, there was nothing there. So I ignored it and walked back to my pew.


Divine Liturgy was only an hour and a half long so after that I did a quick confession, did ten Hail Mary's, as was instructed by the Priest, and then had the whole day to kill. I walked back to the castle and saw Sam and Em walking through the garden, but I walked on, without interrupting them. I didn't want to intrude.


- Samantha's POV -

I had loved the Divine Liturgy and I had been so happy to be able to attend. It had reminded me of my parents standing in the front pew of our old church, singing along with the cantors. But I had not seen Emma there. I had wanted to ask her why she did not come but then I had remembered what happened last night and thought it might be a sensitive matter for her. So I left it alone. After church I found Emma and now we were walking in the garden in silence. I looked at the taller girl with her brown hair pulled into the regular messy ponytail that she always wore. She was wearing her riding clothes even though it was Sunday and I realized that she wore those all the time, except during class hours. She looked very pretty though, in her raggedy style. Her brilliant green eyes staring off into the distance. They looked very sad though, and I could imagine why. After that night I had an entirely different perspective of her. She had gone through so much, but never complained to anyone. I couldn't help but sort of admire her for that.

"Did you hear that?" She asked, disturbing me from my thoughts.

"What noise?"

She looked alarmed and started to move towards the guard tower as she said, "There's a noise coming from outside."

I followed her and as we climbed to the top of the guard tower I began to hear it. I very steady thump that came closer and closer. It began to have a rhythm and sounded more and more like...Like marching feet. My eyes widened as a long line of men dressed in armor, carrying swords and cross bows, marching out of the forest.

"Oh no." Emma gasped.

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" A guard shouted from the ramparts.

Emma and me quickly climbed down from the tower and once we hit the ground we were immediately showered by arrows. The long wooden shafts flew across the wall, screams and shouts echoed through the stone walls, and panicking people ran back and forth. Suddenly a man fell from the ramparts, an arrow buried in his chest, the red blood using from the wound, terror written on his face. I looked stone faced at the man at my feet, the blood draining from my face, all traces of color gone. I felt a sickness deep in my stomach and I felt as though I was going to be sick. I barely knew what was going on before the portcullis fell open and soldiers poured through the open gates, slashing at people with swords. I stood there, frozen to the ground. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I saw people falling left and right and one of the soldiers looked at me before running at me with madness in his eyes. He brought his sword up write before he was going to slash me and I closed my eyes, waiting for the sudden piercing pain. But it never came. I heard the man cry out in pain and when I opened my eyes I saw Emma standing there, a long, heavy bladed dirk in her hands, piercing the man through the chest. He fell to the ground and even though he was about to kill me, I still felt pity for him. Emma looked at me and placed another knife in my hands, saying, "Protect yourself!" I had no idea what to do. I had never used one of these before. I stared at it and before I knew it the blade was in another soldier, the same feeling of pity ran through me. I felt so guilty and I began to get dizzy and felt nauseous. Suddenly I felt something clobber me over the head and I fell to the ground, my head hitting the cobblestones. The last thing I remembered was me trying to the find the knife that had slipped out of my grasp, then black.

-Okay guys. I'm so sorry for the late update but our computer had no wifi for a while. Hope you liked the chapter. Votes and comments are appreciated :D Thanks - Anna 

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