Chapter 17

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- Callum's Point of View -

I gulped the last of the lamb stew down, then stood up to get another bowl full. I hadn't realized it before, but I was famished.  I sat back down and then began once more, feeling the warm flavorful stew slide down my throat.

"So, what are you doing around here, Robin? I haven't seen you in, what was it, maybe 14 years." The man called Jonas said.

"Yes, it has been a long time...Well, that's a long story. You see, I was on my way back from a crusade maybe four years ago, and on the way we were captured by Prince John."

"That guy again? I thought he was in prison."

"No, remember. He escaped a long time ago." Another man said.


Suddenly we heard a loud voice saying, "PUT ME DOWN YOU BUCKET-HEADED LIZARDS!!!! I'M A HUMAN BEING TOO, YA KNOW!"

I'd recognize that voice anywhere...Even if it was yelling. We all stood up, awaiting the scene that would come out of the forest any minute now.


I could see Sam holding in a laugh and I had to admit, it was pretty funny. Eventually two heavily set men came into the clearing, over one mans shoulder was a kicking, punching, and yelling, Em. I laughed on the inside. Em wasn't small, but compared to them she looked positively petite. The man put her down and I could see the glare she had on her face. Her hair was still in that messy ponytail and she looked exactly the same as she had since I last saw her, except for the fact that she was angry instead of screaming.

"Look what we picked up boss." One of them said.

"Well, well, well, who might you be?" Jonas asked.

Em folded her arms and glared at him, not saying a word.

"Emmalina Hood." Samantha said with a smirk.

Em snapped her head towards us, raising one eyebrow, and I quickly pointed at Sam. Sam lifted her shoulders and said, "What? It's perfectly safe."

Em marched over to us, Jonas not making a move to stop her.

"I've been looking everywhere for you two." She hissed in a whisper.

"You were looking?...Em, we were on our way back to get you." I told her.

She looked at me for a minute with those big green eyes then looked at Sam. She didn't say anything.

"You were going to...Come back for me?"

"Of course, Emma. We would never leave you there."

Suddenly, we heard a yelp from one of the men that brought Em into camp and when I spun around to look, I saw Dax; his teeth buried deep in the man's arm.

"DAX! Come here, right now!" Em demanded sharply.

Dax let go and ran across the clearing to her. Em knelt down and gave him a light tap over the head. Not enough to damage him, but enough to show him never to do it again. He could get a bit protective sometimes. After that he ran up Em's arm and perched on her shoulder in the usual manner.

"Where did he come from?" I asked.

I didn't remember him coming with us.

"Long story short, he followed us." She answered.

I nodded slowly, not exactly comprehending but not wanting to look deeper into the matter.

"Emma, could you come with me for a sec?" Sam asked her.

Em nodded and they walked away. I had the feeling I knew what she was going to talk about.


- Emmalina's Point of View -

We walked out of ear shot of everyone and then Samantha looked at me, not talking for a minute. She glanced at Callum for a second then back to me. I could see, whatever she wanted to say, she was having a hard time finding the words.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well...Um...The first thing I wanted to tell you was...was...You know what, I can't tell you. He'll have to tell you himself."

"Who?" I wasn't sure if she was talking about Callum or someone else.

"Well, you see, that's the thing. I can't really tell you who."

Now I knew it wasn't Callum.

"Samantha, what are you talking about?"

"Your-" She was cut off by a deeper voice.

"Samantha, who is this pretty girl?"

I looked to where the voice came from and saw a tall man with red hair and wide set shoulders. He had large green eyes and a goatee on his sharp face. He was the man I had seen in the 'courtyard'.

"Um, I think you know." Samantha smiled.

I looked from one to the other, completely and utterly confused. My mouth formed the words to say 'what' but it never came out.

"Lina...You probably don't remember me, since I've been away so long, but before I continue, I just want to say what a lovely girl you've grown into."

My mind went into flash back and I was a three year old girl being tossed into the air, giggling all the way. The man's face had a huge grin...Just like mine...I hadn't grinned since the day Ma died. I had almost forgotten. Tears filled my eyes for the millionth time, but this time I didn't try stopping them from flowing down my cheeks. This was him...The one man I thought I'd never see again. The one who I could never quite remember. The one who left.

"Pa-" I barely choked out.

I leaped over to him and wrapped him in a big bear hug, a huge grin on my face. For the first time in five years I felt whole again.

- Here you go. Another short chapter, I know. But hey, better short then boring, am I write? If you liked the chapter don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks :D - Anna

After Robin Book 1: The Burning TestimonyWhere stories live. Discover now