Chapter 18

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- Emmalina's Point of View -

I lay there, under the diamond filled sky. The fire had burnt down to glowing embers, but I was still very warm. There was nothing to worry about....Uncle John! The other wards! Prince John! I turned over under my blanket and tried getting to sleep, telling myself that I could solve my problems in the morning. But I couldn't fall asleep. I must have turned over twenty times before finally sitting and leaning against the log that they had used as a bench. I looked around me at the 40 or more bundles. How could they all sleep at a time like this? I stood up and walked over to a small rise, laying back down and looking at the sky. It was so peaceful, I would have given anything to just get a good nights sleep. But if my body wouldn't let me get to sleep then there was no hope that my brain would. Time flew by faster then you could say ham and cheese.....Mmmmm, I thought. Ham and cheese.....That sounded really good at the moment. I was extremely hungry, but there was nothing to eat. So I distracted myself by looking at the thin gold line on the horizon. The sky was turning into a beautiful shade of pink and purple, and the soft light glinted off the dew on the grass.

"How long have you been up?" Came a familiar voice.

It had surprised me, but I didn't turn to look. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

"I was never asleep." I answered.

He walked over and sat down next to me.

"So I didn't surprise you?"

I contemplated lying to him and saying that he didn't, but then I decided I didn't want to start the day off with a lie.

"No, you did. I was just too tired to react."

"Em, you should really get some sleep." 

"I tried. I really did; but I couldn't get to sleep knowing that Uncle John and the wards are still in that place."

"Well, to tell you the truth, I didn't get much sleep either. Yesterday, before you came, we killed more then a dozen of that man's soldiers, but he wasn't among the dead. I have a feeling he's back at his under ground dungeon."

"Wait, he came after you?" I asked in surprise. What was two wards next to at least 50.

"Not me, him." And he nodded toward Pa, who was still fast asleep.

So he was the one who was going to be executed with me, I thought. Why us? 

"Em," My thoughts were interrupted by Callum.


"There was something I wanted to tell you,"

I looked at him expectantly. What could be this hard to put into words?

"It's just that-"

"What are you guys doing up so early?" Samantha's voice came.

We both looked to see the sleepy eyed blonde walking slowly up the hill.

"Just waiting to see the sunrise." I answer.

Then we all looked to see the beautiful yellow globe rise above everything else into the morning sky. I was glad I had stayed up all night. It was truly breathtaking.


- Callum's Point of View -

It was a beautiful sight, the mixture of yellow, purple, and pink, rising over the horizon. I glanced at Em and for the first time in I can't remember how long, I saw her smile. A real smile that lit her whole face. Her ponytail was a mess from being slept on (Well, sort of slept on) and her cheeks were a rosy pink, complimenting her shining green eyes. Ever since she had met her father for the first time since she was three, she was more complete. A happier version of herself. She really was very pretty. With her long brown hair and soft oval face. I wondered if she looked anything like her mother did. Her mother. She had lost so much. If only she would just realized that there was someone out there who cared more then life itself. That God was always there to help her off her knees. But she was just too darn stubborn for that. She had seen an act of God's mercy in him bringing her dad back, but she didn't know it was God's doing. Why? Why couldn't she see?


- Emmalina's Point of View -

It was a beautiful sight, the mixture of yellow, purple, and pink, rising over the horizon. I glanced at Callum, his usual wide grin on. His sandy hair was a mess from being slept on (Well, sort of slept on) and eyes shown like two blue pools of water. He really did look nice. Then that led me to think of his God. How could he have so much faith in something he couldn't see? I had asked him about it once, trying to understand. But it was all just to much for me. Three persons in one? What was that all about? How he was everywhere all the time. To me it was all just to far fetched. I had gone to church, that day the castle had been attacked, but I didn't go in. I peaked from behind the doors for almost the whole...What was it?....Liturgy. That's what they called it. I had intended on staying through the whole thing but I saw Callum's head turn and I quickly ran out. It was all too much for me. It was beautiful, I had to admit that. The singing was absolutely breathtaking, just like this sunset, but I didn't know what it all meant. I had almost thought that Callum might be...might be...brain washed. But whenever I look at him, I can tell he isn't. Yet still...?

- Hey guys! What do you think? Do you think Emmalina's an idiot for not seeing the beauty of God? I do...LOL. JK. She's only human. Okay, I would like to hear what you guys think will happen next. Whoever gets the closest will have the last chapter of this book dedicated to them. Not a huge prize, I know. But it's the best I have to offer. Hope you liked the chapter and if you did votes and comments are appreciated. Thanks :D - Anna  

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