Chapter 5

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3 years earlier...

- Callum's POV -

"Callum! Callum!" I heard the voice of Joe, one of the wards, calling me outside the stable.

I walked outside of the stalls, giving one last pat to my horse, Chesca. Joe was waiting impatiently outside, hopping on one foot.

"What's up, Joe?" I asked, washing my hands in the ice cold water from the pump.

"The boys and I are going hunting. Do you want to come? Maybe you can bring Emma to?"

I thought about it for a minute, then nodded.

"Where do you intend to start?"

"We wanted to start at Leach Lake and move on into the forest from there."

"Alright. You go on ahead and wait at the lake for me. I'll see if Em wants to come."

I didn't know exactly where she was, but I could make a pretty good guess.

I walked briskly into the castle, through five halls, and two flights of stairs. After that, the first door on the right.

Two of her favorite places to just relax and hang out was the castle library and the garden. Probably because not very many people hung out in those places.

When Em had first come here, three years ago, she hadn't talked to anyone for several days. I finally just walked up to her and introduced myself. To my surprise, she had picked up the conversation fairly well. I had eventually figured out that she would never be the one to start a conversation. She wasn't shy, but she wasn't what you would call 'outgoing' either. She had strange interest and when she had told me what they were, at first I thought she had been lying. She liked to hunt and sword fight. She didn't know any of the techniques of sword play, but she sort of just, taught herself and developed her own style. The best part was, when ever I won a fight she handled it real sportsman like. As for hunting, it took some convincing before the boys let her come along. Now she's a valuable asset.

I turned the brass doorknob and opened the door, walking in as quietly as possible, so as not to disturb the silence of the library. I closed the door and when I turned around I got the fright of my life. Em was standing on the railing of the balcony, looking down. We were several flights up and I knew, bellow that window, there was a stone path. Even if it wasn't stone, from this height...I wasted no time. I ran towards her, shouting at her not to do it. I was out on the balcony in no time and I reached out to pull her down. She jumped. My hand missing by centimeters.


She let out a loud scream and grabbed onto the railing with one hand. I wasted no time in pulling her up, for any minute her fingers would slip and she would crash to the ground, probably braking her neck. I pulled her up with all the strength I had in me, finally dragging her safely back onto the balcony. She suddenly through herself at me, tears streaming down her face and she sobbed uncontrollably. I wrapped my arms around her so as to calm her down, but on the inside I was panicking wildly. What was going on? Why had she almost committed suicide?

- A short chapter, I know. But there was no way I could make it longer. Hope you like it. And if you do, don't forget to comment and vote :D Thanks -Anna  

After Robin Book 1: The Burning TestimonyWhere stories live. Discover now