If my mobile had a mouth, it would be sobbing.

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Paris pov

''What are you dreaming about?'' Amy asked, with a raised eyebrow and a smirk plastered on her face.
''Nothing'' I felt disturbed. I couldn't concentrate on anything. I don't know why this strange disease took over me.
I felt my nervous system quiver.
''What happened to Paris?Aw... so sweet right. That guy has a soft corner for you.'' She drank water in a gulp.
''And you should have seen the way he reacted when I said that you were in hospital.'' Amy started to laugh out loud. She fell on the bean bag, clutched her stomach and laughed loud. God! She was imitating Noah. She didn't stop.
''Amy!'' She continued to laugh.
''A-my! Stop. Laughing. '' I sternly said, closing my ears with my fingers. But she didn't stop. She continuously laughed, behaved like some drunk, crazy girl.
''Amy!'' I pushed my chair and stood up. She paused for a moment. Thank god!
''Oh my, Paris!'' She continued to laugh. She kicked her legs and laughed like a kid.
I was fed up.
''So? Someone is getting angry when imitating that guy ah?'' No point in talking. I need to zip my mouth. But it's really impossible for a girl like me.


I jumped on my bed and lay down. I stole Amy's mobile. La la la! Sorry, Amy. I need Noah's number.
Uff! Why am I thinking like a villain. I shook my head, my hair was flimsily hitting me on my cheeks.
I am just gonna apologise to him, for my crazy behavior in the sports store. I took Amy's mobile and copied the number to mine. I lay flat looking at my phone's screen.
Well, why should I apologise? Nothing was my fault.
But still, something poked me to call him.
I pressed the call button, and kept my mobile on my ears.
It started to ring, and a sudden splash of smile on my face.

I am there for you.

You are the best.

His words were playing a lot in my mind.

''Hello?'' Oops!
''Hello? Who is that?''

I suddenly cut the call. I felt nervous. You may ask me 'for what?' As if I know the answer.
My hands were sweating. I rubbed them on my pants.

Come on Paris.

I once again dialed his number.
It kept on ringing. He didn't pick it up. I cut the call. And stuffed my face in my pillow.
A moment later, my phone began to vibrate. I looked the screen disllaying his number.
I swiped the answer button.
''Hello!'' He said.
I closed my eyes tight and opened one eye.
''Hello!'' I said strongly and boldly.
''Umm... Paris right?'' What the crap! How did he find out.
''Paris? '' His voice was melting soft.
''Yeah... Hello, Noah.''
''Hellyah. I was waiting for ypur call.''
''Oh really?''
''Yes. An instinct told me. So wassup?''
''Huh. Nothing... Just wanted to say...'' I dragged. I wasn't sure of what to talk. I took my pillow and hugged it.
''You wanted to ask sorry eh?'' He spoke and started to laugh out loud. Today is laughing day or what? He was laughing and laughing. If my mobile had a mouth, it would be sobbing.
''Noah! I didn't want to ask sorry. Well... Nothing was my fault.'' He paused and continued to laugh.
I maintained silence. And he stopped hid laughter.
''Just for fun. This is true Paris. Hundred per cent Rigid and Stern.''
I let out a small laugh.
''And that's what impressed me and is constantly impressing me.'' We both paused for a moment.
I didn't know what to reply. My mind goes totally blank, whenever it is necessary to stay bright.
I decided to speak.
''You are absolutely flirting with me.''
''I like it. Do you?'' We both let out small laughs.
''Paris! May be I am not good in cheesy pick up lines. But I feel like saying one.'' I pulled my sheets over my body.
''The roadside lover boy is peeking out ah?'' I comforted myself.
''Mm... You are my Racing Love gun.''
''Racing love gun?!''
''Yeah. You are not the girly girl. So this is what you are and it suits you.''
''Mm.. Okay ya. Got to go. Bye and good night.'' I switched off my room's light.
''Bye, Paris. Lovely dreams.''


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