You both go to a Haunted House

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“Who you gonna call?” Harry sings. 

“Ghostbusters!” you finish as the two of you drive off towards a haunted house.  You’d been talking about doing this for weeks now and you’ve finally just sucked up enough courage to do it.  Harry had gotten really into the whole thing, gathering up flashlights and a little camcorder to try to catch some footage of anything supernatural. 

As you walk up the front path to the house, Harry turns to you and asks, “‘You sure you want to go through with this?” 

“Why?  Are you starting to get scared?” you counter. 

“Nope, just checking up on you.”  He clicks on his flashlight and opens the old, splintered wooden door. 

“Hello?  Anybody home?” he calls out into the darkness after turning on his camcorder. 

“A ghost isn’t gonna answer you,” you tell him. 

“It might,” he insists.  You break off and head in separate directions - Harry manning the living room and you wandering into the kitchen to check things out. 

“You think we’ll actually find any evidence of this place being haunted?” Harry calls to you. 

“Probably not, but this is still pretty cool.  Come in here and check out all this old stuff.”  Harry comes to join you in the kitchen, walking into a cobweb as he goes. 

“Ahh! Ghost!!” he screams before realizing it was just a cobweb and laughing at himself. 

“You’re ridiculous,” you say with an amused laugh.


“You know that house a couple blocks away was abandoned years ago and is supposedly haunted?” you mention to Niall over dinner one evening. 

“Yeah, what about it?” he asks. 

“I kinda wanna go to it,” you say. 

“You do?  Why?” 

“I dunno.  Just to say that I did, I guess.  It would certainly be something different to do one night instead of just watching another movie that we’ve seen a million times already.” 

“We don’t always watch movies.  We do other stuff too.  We…watch TV…?  Yeah, you’re right, we’ve hit a rut.  Alright, I’m in.  Let’s go tonight.” 

“Really??  You’re gonna come along so willingly?” 

“Sure, why not?  It seems pretty interesting, actually.”  You smile. 

“Alright.  Tonight it is, then.”  Later than night as you two step onto the front porch of the house, you’re suddenly wondering what you thought was so appealing about going to that house.  Niall gently kicks the door open with his foot.  He steps in and you hover by his back, using him as a human shield in the event that something spooky happens. 

“Babe, could you kindly get your tallons out of my back?” Niall asks you as the two of you inch your way into the house as though you are one mass. 

“No, I cannot.  I don’t want to be here anymore, let’s go home.” 

“This was your idea in the first place!  Let’s at least go check out another room.” 

“Niall, get me out of here.”  He ignores your request and continues making his way into a bedroom.  You swear you think you see something and proceed to go into full-panic mode. 

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