He hears you swear for the first time

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"No Y/BFF/N, she walked up to me and was like, 'i'm getting this so you need to back away' and I was just standing there holding that bag and was like, 'B!tch come and get it.'" you say into your phone and you and your friend start laughing uncontrollably. What you didn't know was that Harry was outside your room door listening to your conversation. Once he heard what you said his face went blank. He barged through the door scaring you and you hanging up the phone on your friend.

"Y/N, what did you just say?" he said with confusion.

"Wh-what do you mean?" you stuttered. You were hoping that he hadn't listened in on your conversation.

"Don't act like you don't know. Did you just cuss into the phone?" he snapped and you never saw this side of him before.

"Harry, I was just shopping and I saw this purse and--" he cut you off mid-sentence.

"I get that. But just please, don't cuss. I don't like to see my girl cussing. It bothers me." He said quietly. You got up and sat on his lap and kissed his cheek.

"I promise baby." you said and shared a sweet kiss.


"Ugh! Niall, did you seriously eat my prescription ice cream?" you ask.

"Hun, there is no such thing as 'prescription ice cream' and I think I may have eaten it." he says and walks into the kitchen.

"Well, still I wanted my f^cking ice cream." you say with a pouty face.

"Woah woah woah woah. Did you just cuss?" he said with a shocking expression.

"Uhh, no?" you say and start to run away from Niall.

"Come back here!" He playfully shouts and you both run through the house. He finally catches up and grabs you from behind and pulls you down to the ground. He gets on top of you and kisses your forehead.

"Don't cuss baby. I don't like it. I don't even like it when I cuss." he states simply.

"I'll try not to. Hey I have an idea! Whoever cusses has to give the other person half of what they have. Like if you were to cuss, you would have to give me half of your food." he thinks about it and finally decides.

"Your on!" he says and the rest of the night you are in fits of laughter because Niall has given you almost the whole fridge.


"Yeah, I want to have my cash right now." you state and slam your hand on the counter. Louis looks at you shocked but just watches because he wants to see what happens next.

"Sorry ma'am. But you don't have any money in your checking account." The clerk says.

"What? I put in about two-thousand dollars in there yesterday! How could there not be any damn money in there?" you throw your hands in the air in frustration.

"Hang on a second. Thanks." Louis said and pulled you arm. He brought you to a corner for you to settle down.

"What just happened back there?" He questioned you.

"I want my freaking money Louis! And if he doesn't give me my money im going to go all ape on him!" You said while giving the clerk death glares.

"Sweetie, i love how you are being so feisty, but you need to calm down. I can just give you some of my money." He starts walking back to the counter but you pull him back.

"No Lou. I cant let you do that!" You pleaded.

"I insist. Plus that means you have to pay me back somehow." He says with a wink.


"Babe I'm going to take a shower." You say and go a grab a towel.

"Okay babe. Remember that my parents are coming over for lunch today." you turned around and gave him a small smile. You have some suspicions that they don't really like you. Liam says that they love you but you just don't feel like they do.

"Okay. See you in a half a hour." you close the door shut behind you and lock it.

You turned on your iPhone and the song 'Alive' by Krewella came on and you started to sing. This was your only rime to be alone, except for when Liam is on tour and you can't see him. You always do your greatest thinking in here.

"Lets make this feeling moment last foreveeeerrrrr.

So tell me what your waiting for.

Im going to keep it frozen here forever....

There's no regretting anymore

It's worth the wait even so far away

(Im making the night mine until the day I die)"

"Nice singing love, your good." you hear Liam say.

"Shit!" you say and peak out of the curtain. Liam was standing there mouth gaping open.

"Why are you in here!?" you scream.

"Y/N, did you just cuss at me?" he asks, eyes wide.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't even come in here!" you shout back. Liam says sorry and walks out of the room. Still shocked that you just cussed, even at him.


"Zayn, can you at least stop smoking for the weekend? My parents are coming and I don't need the house to smell like f^cking smoke!" you ask your boyfriend.

"Y/N, love, they already love me!" he responds. He ends his sentence and looks at you wide eyed.

"What?" you look at him.

"I have never heard you cuss before, it was something different. I liked it." He says with a wink.

"Don't even try to pull something lover boy. It's not gonna work!" he smirks at you and you blush. He comes closer and whispers in your ear,

"Try me." Lets just say you were both breathless by the time it was midnight. ;)


for some reason I just found this one I dont know if I published this or not. so whatever. might as well publish it now. sorry if its a repeat, I forgot.

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