He gives you something to remind you of him while he's on tour

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“I’m gonna miss you so much,” you say, holding Harry as tightly as possible. 

“I’m gonna miss you too, babe.  But I’ll call and text as often as I can, you know that.”  You nod against his shoulder. 

“Here,” he says breaking away from the embrace just enough to lean over and grab something off his bed full of miscellaneous things he still needs to pack for tour, “I want you to hang onto this while I’m gone.  Whenever you miss me, just cuddle up with this and think of me.” 

He hands you a stuffed cat that you’d never seen before but was obviously very old.  “Where did this come from?” you ask. 

“It’s mine from when I was kid.  I usually take it with me but I think it’ll be more needed here this time around.”  You smile and hug the cat to your chest as Harry places a kiss on your forehead.


The day before Niall leaves for tour, you sit at the kitchen table flipping through a magazine when he sneaks up behind you, placing something gently around your neck.  He clasps it and lets it fall against your skin.  You finger it, trying to figure out what it is before getting up to check in a mirror.  The charm on the necklace is an Irish flag. 

“Now you’ll always have a little part of me with you, even when I’m away,” he tells you, and you pull him in for a hug.


“Here you go, babe!” Louis says proudly, handing you a headshot of himself. 

“What’s this for?” you ask. 

“Just a little something for you to remember me by while I’m gone on tour,” he explains. 

“Oh, Louis, you shouldn’t have,” you mockingly coo. 

He laughs, “Don’t worry, I didn’t.  This is what I really want you to hang on to.”  He tosses you his favorite t-shirt that you’re always trying to steal from him because it’s so soft and comfy.  You catch a whiff of his scent coming at you as the shirt lands in your hands. 

“You really think you can live without this for the next few months?” 

“It’ll be easier than living without you…” he tells you, bringing tears to your eyes.


Just before Liam leaves you to board his plane, he pulls out a bouquet of a dozen roses.  He hands them to you, telling you,

“For every moment that even just one of these flowers is in bloom, I’ll be thinking about you.” 

He smiles and you tear up, saying your goodbyes.  It takes you a couple of days to realize that one of those flowers is made of silk, remaining permanently bloomed until he gets back.


“Come on, you’re gonna be late!” you call to Zayn, trying to hustle him out the door to get him to the airport. 

“Hang on, just one thing left to do,” he tells you, coming into the room.  He hands you a stuffed zebra with a collar around its neck that reads “Zayn.”  You raise an eyebrow at him questioningly and he holds up a matching stuffed zebra whose collar reads “[Y/N].” 

"Now we’ll always have each other with us…sort of,” he explains.  You smile and kiss his cheek.

  “You’re too cute, thank you.  Now let’s go before you’re late!” you usher him out hastily.

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