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You quick went out to get a few things that Harry asked you for before you had to drive him to the hospital. He had overworked his voice too much and developed nodes that were making it really painful for him to sing. You came back expecting to find him waiting for you, but he wasn’t in any of the common areas.

“Harry,” you shouted to no response. You started checking every room and door you could, and eventually got to one that was closed. You tried to open it, only to find it locked, which was odd because neither of you kept any doors locked.

“I wonder what’s behind curtain number five,” you joked as you knocked trying to make him feel better.

“I know you’re in there,” you yelled calmly. There was silence.

“Are you going to let me in Harry,” you asked hopefully, but you couldn’t hear any reaction on the other side. You took the bobby pin out of your hair and started futzing with the lock. Eventually it clicked and you were in. Harry was lying under a blanket facing away from you, probably pretending to sleep. You laid behind him and scooted closer so you could rest your cheek on his.

“What’s wrong?” you spoke quietly. You felt him sigh and he grabbed your hand.

“I’m not going. I changed my mind. It’s really not that bad.” You rested your weight on your arm and looked down at him.

“Not that bad,” you questioned amazed based off of what he’d been telling you for a long time now. He flipped to his back and nodded looking into your eyes.

“What are you so afraid of? Don’t you want to feel better?”

He looked down, “What if I don’t sound the same? What if I can’t sing? I’d rather suffer through it than lose my sound forever.” You bit you’re lip, knowing there was a good chance his voice wouldn’t have the same range.

“What if it’s better?” you tried to be encouraging.

“And if it’s worse I’m done. I love it, do you understand? What would you do if you physically couldn’t do one of things you love most in this world,” he questioned getting really upset. You gave yourself a second to think.

“I’d find a way around it,” you answered honestly. He shook his head and looked to the side frustrated. You took the sides of his face and waited until he looked at you.

“I mean it. You don’t sound good then you can write for other people. You don’t like writing as much as singing then you work on it, and if it doesn’t get better then you sing anyway. I’ll listen, and I’ll bet I’m not the only one. Your fans are very, very dedicated,” you smiled which made him smile a little too.

“Now can we go,” he didn’t move so you nodded his head for him and when you let go he gave you a reluctant but real nod.  


You had to bring Niall in for a knee surgery.

“Nervous?” you asked on the car ride over.

“I’m fine babe. I think you’re the nervous one,” he crawled his fingers up your shoulder until he got to your neck.

“Niall I’m trying to drive,” you giggled.

“Sorry, I’m just trying to calm you down,” he explained keeping his eyes on you.

“Ok, maybe I’m a little worried,” you pinched air with your hand, “But I don’t like hospitals,” you explained.

“I can tell, but it’s not going to be as bad as you think. I’ll be back in no time.” You nodded happy that he was putting your mind at ease a bit. You went inside and helped him out as he filled out paperwork and then waited for him to get changed. Then the nurses came in and started talking to both of you as they began preparing to put his IV in.

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