Last Chapter!

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-This is it guys,the end! Thank you for reading and i hope you guys enjoyed it :)

Keep reading my stories,i started with another one! Only have a couple chapters i will be asking you guys for advice!


"Jade just give it here."


"It's your Christmas gift that's why," Zach answered. This time his expression got softer….maybe a bit playful. What was he trying to hide from her that had to wait till tomorrow? Maybe, she should just be patient and wait. She could be patient….not!

"Fine," Jade smiled and flipped the book open. When Zach jumped at her, she turned around and tried to find anything suspicious. It was just a couple of pages that wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Zach's arms wrapped around her torso and picked her up and carried her back to the bench area.

"Put the book down Jade," Zach chuckled. Was he laughing? Why was he laughing when he just seemed so furious a couple of minutes ago?

"No, I'm not putting this book down. My interest is too sparked to stop now," Jade laughed. She flipped another page and she found it to be full of dedications. "Do you not want me to read who you dedicated this to, hmmm? Is it some ex-girlfriend or something, hmmm?"

"Don't read that," Zach said in her ear. He sat down pulling Jade down on onto his lap. 

"Fine I won't," Jade giggled. "'I dedicate this book to all of my loved ones. My mother of who will forever be in my heart…'" she began.

"Damn, you don't even listen to me," Zach teased and let go of Jade's waist. She immediately stood up and faced him with a smile and continued to read.

"'I also dedicate this to my family and friends who stuck by me through thick and thin.' Wow, that's very stirring," Jade said. "But, there's more. 'I can't stop with my dedications yet because I forgot to think the most important person to me in the whole world. Without her I don't know if this would even be possible for me to get through this book. She knows my love for her and so do I know the love from her. We've started out on a journey and I can't end it with you now, so I'm asking you to start something with me forever. I know this dedication page is suppose to be short and to the point, but I can't. So, I'm asking…'" Jade stopped. No he wasn't asking her to…he couldn't be…could he? She moved the book from in front of her face to find that Zach wasn't sitting on the bench, but he was kneeling on the floor.

"So, I'm asking her will she marry me," Zach finished off. His hands fumbled in his jean box and pulled out a velvet violet box. He flipped it open and smiled up at her. "Will you do me the honor in being my wife Jade?"

Jade dropped the book and covered her mouth. He wasn't asking her to marry him. There was no way, no way, no way! Why? 

"I…," Jade mumbled. Her voice was gone and a lump replaced it. She was going to cry and she knew it. Zach Harris was now asking her to be his wife. Could she love him forever and be everything that he wanted? Could she live with the fact that he may not love her one day? Yet, he was everything in the world to her and it happened in such a short time.

"Jade?" Zach asked making her come out of her day dream state.

"What? Oh yea," she replied softly. She stared at the shiny gem that looked so beautiful in the velvet box and sighed. "I…umm.."

Zach stood and pulled the ring out of the box. "Jade?"

"I…" she started and lost her voice once again when Zach took her left hand in his hands. He started to slide the ring on her ring finger and that's when the tears began to flow out.

Zach encircled her in his arms giving her forehead a kiss and whispered, "Please marry me Jade because I don't know what I would do without you. I love you so much it hurts, so please…please marry me."

"I will," Jade answered in his chest. It was a bit muffled and she knew it, but she loved this man. She really loved this man!

Zach pulled her away. "What?"

"Yes, I will marry you Zach!" Jade said much louder then before. Before she knew it his lips came crashing down on her own and he spun her around happily. After he finally set her back down on her feet she heard clapping. Clapping? Looking sheepishly to her side she saw Olivia, Josh, Jacob and couple of other people clapping happily.

"It's about damn time," Olivia laughed. 

"I know I couldn't wait till' you asked tomorrow man," Josh added.

"Will you guys shut-up I'm trying to have a romantic moment over here and your messing it up," Zach yelled comically and gave Jade another sweet kiss. Groans were heard, but everyone dispersed.

"This is the best Christmas ever," Jade told him after the kiss.

"The same for me."

Jade stared at him lovingly. "I love you Zach Harris."

Zach tilted his head to the side. "I love you Jade Tillman. Or is it Jade Harris?"

"Who knows and who cares. I love you and I'm going to be Mrs. Harris anyway," Jade answered matter-factly.

"Shall we go and surprise your mother?"

Jade smiled and kissed Zach again. "Yes let's do that, but I don't think she'll be too surprised." When she saw Zach give her a look she disregarded it and laced her fingers with his. Pulling him down the hallway she began to think that she was marrying a man that she never once knew existed. But, taking a look behind her to see his smiling face she knew that….this was only the beginning.

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