Perfect: Chapter Eighteen

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**there is a scene of sexual nature at the end of the chapter. Please skip over it if you please. It wasnt long enough to make a whole other chapter in the restricted part.Plus, its really not too descriptive. There will be two stars like this ** at the beginning and end. :)

k thanks.





Chapter Eighteen






            I sat in the computer chair at the nursing home and stared at my phone. Waiting. I wasn’t sure what I was waiting for, but every part of me wanted to hear from Beau again. I looked down at the folder sitting out in front of me and sighed. Wedding plans. Never in a million years did I think wedding plans would be so complicated and time consuming. Not to mention, it was a wedding I was having cold feet about because of my feelings for Beau. A full day had passed and he has sent me three texts but I wouldn’t muster up any words to say back to him. I spent most of my day at the nursing home fighting the mental battle that was going on in my mind. I wanted to text him, hell I wanted to hear his beautiful voice. But the fact that I didn't know what to say stopped me from texting him back. I felt ashamed and guilty for what we did, or course but the urge to want to talk to him still flowed through my body.


            The silence of the office was suffocating and all I could hear was the humming of the running computer. The silence only opened a door for my thoughts to expand and think about him even more.


            I lifted my fingers to my lips that he had so tenderly kissed the other night and every time I thought about it a pleasureful tingle would run through my whole body.


            “Okay Emma, this is getting ridiculous! You have been staring at the damn computer all day and I am getting tired of it. Please talk to me. Hell, even put me to work! Just don’t make me watch you in a daze for the rest of the dreadful afternoon.”


            My thoughts were diminishing, and I suddenly found my head snapping up towards Lizzy, who was standing there with her hands pressed against her hips.


            I sighed, while looking at the spitting image of Beau. “I’m sorry Lizzy, I have just been really out of it all weekend.”


            A grin spread across her lips and she moved closer to lift herself up onto the counter right next to me. “Hmmm…” She giggled, “I wonder why.”


            My gaze snapped up to hers again and frowned. Had Beau told her?


            She giggled once again, “Don’t get your little panties in a wad Em, Beau didn't tell me a thing but I have a curious feeling since he never came home Friday night.”

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