Perfect: Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter 13







            “This is just insane.” Lizzy whispered with a disgusted face, “How in the hell do you do this every damn day?” She asked, while I watched her changing the stained sheets of Mr. Landry’s bed. Honestly, she looked exausted and it was only her second day volunteering.


            I couldn’t help but giggle, but after the fifth bed Lizzy had to change sheets of, she was looking pretty exhausted. “You said you wanted more hands on work.” I murmured, while changing the water of his vases of lily’s that sat right on his window seal.


            “It’s no fair though, you get to do the easy things.” She said, looking defeated.


            Right about that time, the old and wrinkly Mr. Landry walked in just to scold us. His face held no emotion and his mouth opened slightly to show the lack of teeth he was wearing. He looked over to Lizzy, “You are doing that wrong miss!” He complained while taking his cane and poking it into her thigh.


            He scoffed, “Don’t you kids from this generation know how to do anything right?” He yelled.


            I looked over to Lizzy who stood there wide eyed, “I am sorry Mr. Landry but this is how I was taught to put on bed sheets.” She argued with a smug look on her face.


            Once she said that, he looked over to me. “You two are the devil. You… You…” He pointed at me, “Get out! I will do these things myself!”


            I couldn’t help but giggle a little bit, as I slowly walked over to him and helped him sit in the recliner. “Now, Mr. Landry we are here to do these things for you. Why don’t you relax for a little while and later we will come back and finish?” He asked, in a sweet tone while Lizzy looked at me crazily.


            He looked at me and huffed, “Don’t forget to give me the remote and close the door on your way out.”


            I smiled at him once again, “Sure thing Mr. Landry.”


            As Lizzy and I walked out of the room, she looked over at me. “What in the hell was that? I mean, he just had the biggest bitch fit and you just took it!”


            I laughed, “Well Lizzy, they are elders and we work here to take care of them. Trust me, he won’t be the only rude one you run into but there are sweet ones. He is just the kind that doesn’t think he needs to be here, and he still thinks he can do everything for himself. I guess you can say he is unaware that he can’t take care of himself anymore.” I explained, as we walked into another one of the rooms.

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