(Out of Date) Radish 101... Let's do this, Brutal Truth

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So it's pretty clear by taking one look at my profile, I've joined a new writing community called Radish. This posted is pretty much the brutal truth, as the title suggests, about the app, and my perspective. I'm just going to give you the facts like I know it.

What is Radish:

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What is Radish:

~~~It is an app that provides a way for writers to be paid for their work. The last I heard I make 12.6 cents per read. On average depending on which packaged you buy, it cost on average 36 cents per chapter (3 coins). 30% goes to Apple. The rest of the 36 cents is split 50/50. 

~~~At the moment you can only get it through iTune. iOS devices only, and as I found out myself they need iOS 8 or whatever. So the old, old iPod and iPhone don't work. I haven't even been on the actually app myself, so android user I feel your pain. 

~~~Android is coming early summer. They are working really hard on this right now. We forward all your impatient messages to them. ;) No worries. 

~~~A website it also in the works. I don't know the exact details of when though... Android is the focus. 

(Note: Until Android is complete I can upload chapters to Wattpad two weeks, after they've been unlocked.)

Radish Reading Models:

~~~Free: As you can imagine, the story is completely free

~~~Freemium: Pay to read a chapter now, or wait to read it for free

~~~Premium: Pay to read

Free: Every story already posted to Wattpad is free. What's the difference? One more round of editing and some rewording. These are not rewrites, just simple grammar edits. Right now: Evolution, Demon, Inferno, and Polar Flux (50% of it) have been moved to Radish. 

No, I'm not planning on taking them down from Wattpad. No worries. 

Freemium: This includes This is Glek, To Catch a Breeze, and Hell's Angel 2.0. Unlike some authors on Radish, the moment I get one done I post it. My update schedules a little random, but that makes for happy surprises throughout your week. I do aim for one update a week for each story. But sometimes it two, maybe three if I get ambitious. 

This also mean every week -1- Chapter is unlocked. Hell's Angel has enough chapters to last 4 months. Makes for great binge reading, if I do say so myself. 

This is Glek is the only one not exclusive to Radish. So it'll be uploaded in its entirety to Wattpad.

Premium: Here's where the bitter truth comes in. I will be doing premium. 

All side stories will be premium. Anything not pertaining to the main plot of the series will be premium. This will included River 2.0 and Rogue 2.0. All future re-write (not including the Demon Series) will be premium. For example, I'm going to extend Inferno from 60,000 words to 80,000 so it's more of a full length novel. And that version will be premium. 700 and For a Price need a desperate re-write as well, they will be premium.

The original will remain available and free. So no worries, read them as many times as you like.

~Now we're going to strip out all the bullshit, and I'm giving you my point of view.~

Up until now, you've all been awesome. The transition went great. I gotten a few frustrated comments, but they're all about android. I'm frustrated about that too. haha!

The main thing I've noticed with other authors on Radish is people being mad about paying for something that used to be free. 

My answer is why? Why do we expect anyone to do something for free? I do it too, so no worries. 

But for an example, a youtube singer posted covers for basically free, if you're a commercial skipper. They work hard, build their audience and then have a chance to become a professional singer. They're going to start charging.~ iTunes download.... iTunes app, see where I'm going with this. 

Writing is a talent. It might not be as extinguished as a singer or being a professional athlete, but it's still a talent that I've put years into developing it. The authors on Wattpad have been given out freebees, in my case for years. I've shared around ten novels with you all. So when an opportunity to actually earn money from it, who wouldn't jump on that?

I literally jumped all over it. 

I love writing, and I enjoy entertaining people with my stories, but why wouldn't I want to make a career from it? I am working toward becoming a published writer. And the moment that happens, probably everything will have to be taken down. Radish is a stepping stone. They've already expressed wanting to work with publishing companies in the future, and that's my end goal. That's where I want to be one day. 

I've read reviews on the app page of people saying; why would I pay for amateur work. 

Um... well you don't have to, but if it's making you mad or upset because the "amateur" work is behind a paywell, maybe it's boarding on not being so amateur. Just something to think about. 

My stories aren't perfect, but why do you think the bigwig author have a team of editors looking over they're manuscripts. I don't think they're perfect either. Sometimes autocorrect gets the best of us. I know it has me haha!

Thanks for all your supports guys and gals. You really have been awesome. 

Last week To Catch a Breeze, Hell's Angel and This is Glek were top 3 in the LGBT category. Evolution even was 3rd in fantasy. So thanks for shifting over to Radish for me. It's means a lot. 

(I'm going to try and keep Radish updates on my twitter: varzanic and website: varzanic.com from now on)

com from now on)

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