You spelted that wrong...

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I know. I know, and once again, I know.

This is me letting off some steam. I'm not mad at anyone. It's just years of hearing: "English has to be your second language because there are just so many grammar and spelling errors. I can't even read this because it is so horrible." (Dramatization)

Then don't. Take your opinions and higher than thou attitude and move along. I mean you can't read it because it's so horrible, so why are you ten chapters in and choosing now to complain?

English is not my second language. It's my one and only, big shocker. And to be honest, have you listen or tried to read how some teenager and early/mid 20 years old talk and write? I have. I grade their papers. It's not pretty some days, but I definitely don't write "I'm going to assume English is your second language because on paragraph 3 in the third sentence of your ten-page paper you used the wrong form of there." <------ That's a dick move. 

Yet I get grammar lessons all the time. I know the rules. Take a seat and accept that not everyone is perfect. You try cranking out multiple chapters a week about made-up worlds. It's harder than most people think. 

If a story has been finished for five years, don't ask me to edit it. I've moved on. It's most likely shit, so I'm going to re-write it. There is no way in hell I'm wasting my time to editing it, "because it is so jarring to read." So don't ask. Just remember: I can take it down at any time.

I write for myself. This is a hobby turned into a sort of career path but it'll end very quickly if I start catering to everyone. I do this for me. I write stories I want to read. If you have time to whine about a missing "ed," I'm up for donation to fit the $4-5000 editing bill, and that's the basic package. Try $7-10,000 for the fine-tooth comb editing.

I do my best and I believe I'm doing a pretty good job. But it'll never be perfect (especially if you're reading it for free). Professionally printed book with big-name publishing houses still miss things. But when you're writing an 80-100,000 word book that is to be expected. 

For example: Demon is 120,000 (approx.):

There are 56 chapters in the redone ebook/printed book. 

If I have 20 errors per chapter, that 1126. But out of that 120,000 words that is .9% 

Not even 1% of the book. 

If I'm just awful and have 100 errors a chapter that 5600 which is 4.7%

95.3%,  95% of the book is fine and I'm okay with that.  

Some people might not be okay with it, but perfection isn't something I'm going to waste my life to achieve. Nothing I write will ever be perfect. I'll always want to change something. So I'm taking on a new perspective towards writing. I'm going to do my best. If my best isn't enough, there are tons of lgbt writers out there. Go and find one that can do better. I'm sure there are plenty out there, but I can only offer my best.

Other than that, thanks for reading. I hope you can look past my short-coming and enjoy my stories. They will never be prefect but I aim to get them as close as possible.

My Two Cents: a.k.a My B.S. CenterWhere stories live. Discover now