Introduction to Pure B.S.

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So if you're one of my readers, you’re probably thinking: ‘What the hell is this? Don’t you dare start something new when you have five other stories to complete.’

Don’t worry. It’s not another story. I promise.

To put it bluntly, this is my bullshit center where I’m going to attempt to give advice, and maybe it’ll actually help someone when it comes to their writing questions. I’ve seen other writers do this, so I’m going to do the clique thing and copy them. Very original, I know.

I get asked quite often about writing tips, and how I come up with ideas, so I’m going to do my best to tell you, or maybe rant. I might be overly passive aggressive, but I still rant on rare occasions.

If you have a question, send it and I’ll try to answer it. If not, well I’ll just write whatever wanders in this head of mine--that’s should scare everyone. As my personal motto is pictured above.


Disclaimer: These are my opinions that reflect my taste and interests. Don’t take anything seriously, because I guarantee I’m going to contradict myself at some point.

As is human to be riddled with mistakes, and I am simply Human.

My Two Cents: a.k.a My B.S. CenterWhere stories live. Discover now