Chapter 1 Situations

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Autumn if you're reading this get ready for a very cringy ride
{Sasha's POV}

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off, I smiled remembering that my 12th birthday is only 1 week away!
I turned off my alarm clock and jumped out of bed. I walked over to my small walk in closet and grabbed a yellow v-neck t-shirt, then I grabbed a pair of jeans. I walked out of my room and down the hall into the bathroom to take a shower. After my shower I went back to my room to do my hair. I dug through my hair elastics and found my deep grey hair tie that was the same colour of my eyes everyone always wonder how I ended up with such an odd eye colour, but I like it. After running my brush through my long raven-black hair, I used the hair tie to do an over the shoulder braid. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and made myself some toast with peanut butter, after I ate I went upstairs to brush my teeth. After I brushed my teeth I went back in my room and grabbed my backpack and lunch can and left for school.

When I got to school I was greeted by my friends who practically tackled me. Quinn and Emily are my two best friends "guys, don't squish me!" I said while laughing my head off. People started staring and I lowered my head in embarrassment.
"Take a picture!" Emily and Quinn yelled at the kids who were staring, the kids looked away and started whispering. "Ignore them" Emily said. I nodded. People we have more important things to discuss! Quinn interrupted, like what? Me and Emily said at the same time. "Like Sasha's awesome birthday party were going to throw" she said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "Oh guys you don't have to throw me a party!" I said. "YES WE DO" they screamed at the same time. "Okay, okay" I said holding up my hands.
"Ok then it's settled me and Quinn are going to throw you the best party ever!" Emily said. "Thanks guys, you're the best" I said.
Suddenly the bell rang and we went our separate ways and headed to class. After third period I was on my way to lunch I heard framiliar voices whispering. I walked around the corner to see it was Emily and Quinn? I decided to be casual and pretend I didn't hear anything even though I heard the words secret and true self. "Hey guys, ready for lunch?" They nodded and gave each other weird looks like they were communicating without speaking. I decided to just ignore the strange sudden behaviour of my friends and we went to eat.

{Quinn's POV}
(A few minutes earlier)

"I can't live like this anymore! We need to tell her our secret." Emily whisper-yelled.
"Em, you know we can't do that! She'll learn her true self soon" I replied
"I hate lying to her" said Emily.
"I do to, but we can't tell her who we really ar- I was cut off by Sasha coming around the corner. "Hey guys, ready for lunch?" Sasha said we nodded and gave each other a look. Suddenly I was getting a mind link from Emily.

{Let's make this easy Q= Quinn and E= Emily}

E- That was close, do you think she heard us?
Q- I don't think so...
E- I can't do this, we need to try and get Sasha's parents to tell her
Q- Agreed let's go talk to them after school
E- ok

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