Chapter 21:

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Author's: Horrible chapter in general, sorry boos. Much love anyway.

“Harry, how are you?”

“Brooklyn, are you and Harry together?”


“Over here!”

“Louis, what about Larry?” I knew that would hit a soft spot with all of us and especially myself and El, we both turn around to the reporters.

“Why are you all so fucking stubborn?!” El shouts suddenly.

“They,” I gesture to Louis and Harry who are staring at us with wide eyes, we usually manage to stay quiet but we’re getting tired of it, “are simply friends, okay? I understand a bromance, it’s cute! Hell, I ship the boys! They are simply bromaces. Niall has Chelsea, Liam has Danielle, Zayn has Perrie, Louis has Eleanor and Harry has me! They are happy; can’t you guys just accept that?” I wave my hands around in frustration.

“For the love of God, we all are hanging out together! Obviously, we’re fine, okay? No Larry,” El tells them, a sweet smile on both of our faces before turning around and going back to our shocked boyfriends.

“We’re in trouble,” Louis mumbles causing us to laugh.

El and Louis had been together for quite some time while Harry and I will be together an entire year next week.

The boys were getting farther in their career where it was attempted for them to be more quiet, stick to themselves, including the ones close to them but that also meant they were coming to the point in their careers that they were tired of it all. Yes, they loved the fans and their jobs and they were extremely grateful for being able to live out their dreams but as of recently, they had been discussing with Simon about what to do after the contracts were up. Actually, we all were going to meet up with Simon and discuss it.

Simon let us act as if we were part of the band after we spent quite some time with the boys, our relationships growing more serious as we aged and were together even longer. At the moment, we all actually lived with our boyfriends.

The car ride to the meeting was filled with laughter but there was some nervous tension in the car.

We joined the others in the lobby, hugs and kisses going around. Niall’s parents were watching Marcus and my mum and her boyfriend were watching Nikki for us.

“One Direction,” a lady smiled at us and motioned down the hall, we all nodded and walked quickly to Simon’s room, Liam knocked quickly before entering.

“Boys!” Simon exclaimed, a smile on his face as he stood up and hugging them, “And girls,” he smiles at us all sweetly, hugging and kissing our cheeks before returning to his seat as the rest of us place ourselves around the couches in the room, “So, we need to talk,” Simon says.

“Yes, sir, we do,” Zayn says.

“We need to know more, Simon,” Niall tells him and Simon nods.

“Since our contracts are coming to an end in 2years, correct?” Harry pauses and waits for Simon to nod, “What are we to do, Simon?” he questions.

“What do you mean?” Simon asks, a confused expression on his face.

“We mean, like, what do we do?” Louis asks, shaking his head trying to find the right words but Liam finds them before him.

“I think what we’re trying to ask is, what do we do after our contracts? How does that work? We can just come out with every dirty little secret we wanted to before but couldn’t? We can go cause all hell and not get in trouble?” Liam asks, I glance between everyone and see everyone is wearing different expressions.

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