Chapter Three:

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I immediately feel my heart crumble when I see Harry standing next to Gemma but thankfully, Gemma distracts me by hugging me tightly and whispering that it’ll be okay.

“How have you been?” Anne asks me, pulling me into a hug.

“I suppose better,” I admit and she gives me a nervous smile.

Harry wasn’t looking at just me but me and the child that I had just set down on the floor next to Zoey.

“Uh, hey,” he says awkwardly and I just smile at him, “This is Nikki?” he asks me, pointing to her.

“Nicole, yeah,” I tell him and he nods and opens his mouth to say something but Nick comes over and wraps his arm around Harry, distracting him just long enough for Gemma to take me to the living room where Marissa is still sitting.

“I’m so sorry,” Gemma tells me and I shrug, “Can you do it?” she asks and I nod, “Are you going to do it?”

“I need to, there isn’t really an option for me to not,” I bite my lip and lean back in the sofa, “I think he’s already wondering who the dad is and if she’s even mine, he kept looking between the two of us,” I groan.

“When are you going to do it?” Marissa asks, holding my hand to comfort me and Gemma does the same with my other hand.

“After dinner for sure,” I tell them.

Well, after dinner came a lot faster than I wanted it to and it was all too much. I was freaking out by now and I had to hold back tears almost all night and screaming, I wanted to scream and shout and throw things just to calm down.

I excuse myself and walk off to the backyard and vaguely hear Anne tell Harry to check on me, it was better this way so I don’t have to say it in front of everyone and this way I’d be alone with him. I need to remember to thank her for making it a little easier for me later.

“Are you okay?” Harry asks, leaning against the railing of the porch beside me.

“Not really,” I admit and his face shows concern.

“What’s wrong?” he asks, trying to look me in the eye.

Here it goes; I’ve got to do it now. I turn so I look him directly in the eyes.

“Tell me what you noticed about Nikki,” I tell him, he looks confused but does it anyway after thinking for a minute.

“She looks a lot like me but has your nose,” he tells me, I raise my eyebrows and pray he gets it which he finally does, he gasps and his eyes go wide, “I-I…oh my, God! She’s mine?!” Harry exclaims and begins pacing back and forth.

“Yeah,” I sigh.

“Brooklyn, why didn’t you ever tell me?” he asks, turning to face me for a second before pacing again.

“It’s a little hard to tell your ex-boyfriend who left you to be famous that you’re pregnant with his kid,” I tell him, a little annoyed.

“You could’ve called or something! You had my number!” he tells me.

“Honestly, I wanted nothing to do with you at the time,” I admit and he looks at me in surprise, “Don’t look at me like that! You broke my heart, Harry!” I exclaim.

“Brooklyn,” Harry says my name so soft and caring that it almost physically hurts to hear it, “I’m sorry I…God, I feel like shit,” he tells me, “I’m so sorry I didn’t know, I feel horrible for this!”

“Well, she’s the best thing that’s happened to me so after you destroyed my heart and after I got over the fact I was going to be a teenage mum without her father even knowing, she made it better,” I tell him coldly but honestly.

“You know when I told you that night I loved you, I wasn’t lying,” he mumbles, walking closer to me.

“That’s hard to believe sometimes, Harry,” I sigh, shifting my weight and crossing me arms.

“I know but Brooklyn, the thing is…” he runs a hand through his hair and bites his lip, thinking, “I never stopped loving you, Brooklyn, I never stopped caring about you and wishing you were in my arms at night, I couldn’t do anything to get you out of my mind. I’ve wanted to tell you this for years but I just never could because I needed to do it in person and since it’s obviously confession night…” he trails off.

Whoa, he still loves me? He’s got to be kidding…

“Pardon?” I ask, not sure I heard him right.

“Brooklyn, I love you,” he tells me while looking right into my eyes. It hasn’t changed, I still feel the same way when Harry says he loves me as I did when we were younger and dating, “Can I be in her life?” he asks, hope clear in his voice.

Can he be in her life?

*author's note*

Oooooh cliffhanger! Maybe! Hell, idk.

Much love!xx


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