Chapter Eighteen

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The past few months had been rough on, well, everyone and everything. My mum had gotten a boyfriend, my younger brother had gotten his first girlfriend (first that we knew of at least), rumors were getting worse, Harry and I argued quite often, Nikki started pre-school…the list goes on and on.

“You’re being such a prick!” I shout at Harry through the phone.

“How?!” he yells.

“Maybe if you fucking asked me what the hell was happening instead of believing press, Harry, we wouldn’t be having this argument!” I nearly hang up after I say that but I couldn’t, we need to just figure this shit out.

“When I’m hundreds of miles away from home, what else am I supposed to believe or do, Brooklyn?!” he exclaims.

“Harry, you freaking idiot! All the other boys are handling this well, you know! As are the other girls! Hell, we’re the only one with a failing relationship from what I understand and it’s because they work through things and we don’t Harry! When press says I’m cheating on you, how about you call me and ask what’s up instead of calling me and accusing me!” I grab a pillow off the couch and chuck it at the wall in frustration. At the moment, I actually had the phone on speaker and Chelsea was sitting with me while Marcus and Nikki were both asleep in their rooms.

“I’m so tired of this shit!” Harry tells me and I roll my eyes.

“Why are you being so complicated?” I groan. I swear, everyone else talked about their issues while Harry was all accuse, accuse, accuse while I was like fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

“You’re the one being complicated!” Harry shouts and I can’t help but laugh a rather dry laugh.

“You’re kidding me! You have got to be fucking kidding me, Harry!” I exclaim and take a deep breath, “I’m not the one calling randomly and accusing you of cheating!”

“Maybe if you told me who he was, I’d be okay!” Harry tells me and I take another deep breath to hold back my very angry tears.

“Let’s start here, okay, sweetheart?” I asked, venom traced in every single word, “You don’t need to know everyone I’m with, you don’t need to know everywhere I’m going, you don’t need to know every tiny detail considering I know basically nothing as to what you’re doing, where you are or who you’re with. But, anyway, you know who he is,” I finish. Harry did know who the guy was. He’s my best guy friend and he was at Nikki’s birthday party and a few other events. Harry was just too busy accusing to take a moment to remember.

“You know how ridiculous this is? You are in my house and you’re arguing with me over the phone!” Harry says.

“Do you want me out of your house, Harry? Because as of lately, I would be fucking glad as hell to get out,” I snap and Chelsea stares at me with wide eyes

“Fuck, Brooklyn,” Harry sighs and I snatch my phone off the couch and end the call, throwing it against the wall and it didn’t even break, what the hell?

I sit on the couch and grab a pillow, screaming into it loudly to push my anger aside. I ignore the ringing of my phone and so does Chelsea. I knew it was only a matter of time Chelsea’s phone would ring either because of Harry or Niall and in about 30 minutes, her phone rang because of Niall and she answered it.

“Niall,” she stopped and listened for a moment, her face blank as she listened, “Niall, she doesn’t want to talk to him right now,” listening, “Honestly, my personal opinion is he doesn’t deserve to talk to her,” Chelsea tells Niall and I give her a high five before burying my face back in the pillow that it now soaked in angry and sad tears, “She’s been screaming and crying the past 30 or more minutes, Ni!” she exclaims, sounding annoyed, “Listen, I love you but I have some matters to attend to,” she snaps and I hear her phone softly hit the couch as she wrapped her arms around me, cuddling me.


It’s been about a week since Harry and I’s argument and soon, he would be taking 2 weeks off and coming back home. I didn’t know what to do about it and I probably wasn’t helping by ignoring every single one of his attempts to get at me.

I sighed and grabbed the laptop from the other side of the couch and decided to do some homework while Nikki was a pre-school but I didn’t get far. Actually, barely anywhere. I opened a webpage and tons of my feed was filled with crap about Harry.

Is Harry Styles Single?

What is Happening Between Harry Styles and Brooklyn Fife?

Harry Styles says ‘I’m not sure where my relationship is right now,’

Harry Styles Doesn’t Know About His Relationship

Harry Styles minus Brooklyn Fife and Nicole Fife?

Harry Girls, Time to Move in because Harry is Possibly Single!

Are a few of the titles of some of the many articles and I feel my eyebrows knitting together in confusion after the ones I read. I decide to click on the link and wait for it to load. I’m immediately greeted by a picture of Harry, Nikki and I split in half so it looks broken and Harry is on one side while Nikki and I are on the other. What? What the hell is this? I don’t understand where our relationship is either honestly but Harry admitting it is…no. Just no.

I found the article I needed after a few minutes of searching.

Stacy (interviewer): Welcome Harry!

Harry Styles: Good afternoon.

S: How are you today?

H: I’m okay I guess.

S: Just okay?!

H: Yeah.

S: Why just okay, Harry?

H: Just some personal problems.

S: Oh, I’m terribly sorry…

H: Yeah…anyway, let’s go to the questions, yeah?

S: Of course!

H: Brilliant!

S: Okay, well, how is the tour?

H: It’s been interesting. I quite enjoy it. It’s the same but yet still different from other tours. Different places, different songs, different worries, but the same fans and what not.

S: Different worries? Do you mean your daughter and girlfriend?

H: I wouldn’t know if you could call her my girlfriend at the moment, honestly.

S: Oh, no! What do you mean?

H: I don’t know where my relationship is right now…

S: That’s horrible.

H: Yeah. Now, I’m not saying I’m single…I’m just unaware of my relationship with Brooklyn at the moment.

S: Makes sense.

H: I suppose.

I scroll quickly through the rest of the interview finding nothing else of interest. I close the laptop and stare blankly at a wall.

What were we? He probably wasn’t even going to expect me to be at his place when he got home in the next two days. What were we going to do? How were we going to handle this? My mind was racing with questions and statements that I couldn’t even begin to think of an answer to.

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