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The smell of alcohol and sweat was the most prominent smell in the room. Sweaty bodies grinding on each other, dancing, and doing god only knows what else. I felt slightly out of place here. This wasn't usually my scene but Niall convinced me that if I was in the fraternity I had to go to parties like this. Besides, Niall and his friends practically ran this place so if he was willing to accept me it was a big deal. Apparently.

Someone nudged me and I looked to my right to see Harry handing me a red plastic cup. I accepted and nodded in appreciation as I took a sip. If I'm going to be here I might as well have fun.

"Looks like Niall spotted him a girl." Harry said as he motioned to Niall with his cup.

I looked over just in time to see Niall lift his SnapBack off of his head and rake his fingers through his hair as his tongue darted out of his mouth only to slide over his top row of straight, white teeth. With a smirk on his face, he re-adjusted his hat on his head and pushed himself off the wall, making his way towards the mob of people.

That was his ritual. He did it every time he spotted a girl he wanted. Well, at least for the night. Whether he did it purposely or absentmindedly was beyond me but there was one thing I did know, Niall would be in her pants by the end of the night.

It's just a know fact; that Niall gets any and every girl he wants. Hell, they practically throw themselves at him. So it's no surprise that nearly 10 minutes later Niall is leading the short blonde up the stairs, ready to get to his bed room. Niall sent back his signature smirk as my fellow football mates and I laughed and cheered him on.

Now, I thought I should have some fun. I downed the rest of my drink and weaved my way through the crowd until I spotted a hot sorority girl dancing by herself.

This should be good.


"Fuck!" I yelled as I buried my head under my pillow.

I can hear the music blasting from that damn fraternity house from my dorm room. Believe it or not some people are trying to get some sleep before class starts in the morning. Why are they even having a party already? Most people just got finished moving into their dorms and getting settled in a week ago.

I hear keys jingling and my door knob turning signaling my roommate, Christy is back from the party. I heard her giggle at something as she stumbled in. I don't bother to look up until I hear another voice in the room. Great. She brought home a guy.

"Liam stop!" She giggles playfully as he grabs her by the hips and flops on her bed with her.

I grunt and hastily untangle myself from the sheets before hopping out of bed and grabbing my shoes, hoodie and phone.

"Let me know when you're done." I call as I lazily strolled out of the room and shut the door behind me.

It's times like these when I really wish I had a different roommate. Sure Christy is fun and sweet but she loves to party and stay out late and worst of all, bring random guys back to our dorm. She has insisted before that I don't have to leave and that they would be quiet, but I could not do that. Just thinking about staying in there while they are fucking disgusts me so I head down the hall and pop and earbud in my ear while putting my phone on shuffle. I decided on walking to the library. There is no way in hell that I'm going to that party.


"Ma'am? Wake up please..."

I felt my shoulder being shook lightly and I groggily pulled my head up from the wooden table... shit I must have fallen asleep in the library! I looked up to see a tall, thin lady with auburn hair and small framed glasses peering down at me. She looked to be about in her forties.

"Sorry to wake you miss but you've been asleep for a little over two hours."

My eyes widened. "I'm so sorry I'll be leaving."

The lady gave me a strange look and walked back to her chair behind a computer. She must be the librarian. I gathered the two books I had gotten off the shelf (and lost interest in) and returned them at the front desk before heading out. I looked at the time on my phone. Surely Christy is done with her boy toy so I'll grab a coffee before heading back to my dorm.

I entered the Starbucks down the street from campus and walked to the counter and ordered.

"And your name is?" Asked the guy behind the counter.

At first I was confused but then I remembered it was for my order. Duh. I mentally face palmed. "Tiffany."

"Okay coming right up, Tiffany." The guy smiled.

Soon my coffee was ready and I walked up to the counter to receive it. I picked it up and took notice to my name scribbled on the cup along with a number. I looked up surprisingly at the guy behind the counter just to see him wink in return before disappearing into a room labeled 'Employees Only.' I smiled to myself as l walked out of Starbucks and made my way back to my dorm. When I arrived at the door I realized I forgot my key. Great. Just what I needed. I knocked on the door for a few minutes but got no answer. Soon I got impatient and began banging on the door and yelling for Christy to let me in but it was no use. I'm so going to kick her ass next time I see her. I let out a huff of breathe and slid down the wall beside my door, resting my head on my knees. Today has been a long day and all I want to do is curl up in my covers and fall into a long slumber. My eyes grew heavy and my breathing slowed but before I could completely slip out of consciousness, I was pulled back to reality by a voice.

"Are you okay?"

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