Chapter 32

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I got settled into my old room after Darby insisted we have lunch.  I laid down on my bed and stared up at the ceiling.  My phone vibrated but I ignored it.  I felt numb.  I no longer had to worry about Grant.  I had no idea where I stood with Kade.  All I knew for sure was I needed some time.  I needed to get back to myself,  to feel normal again.  It wasn't long before I'd fallen asleep.  When I woke up it was dark outside,  the tv was on in the living room.  I yawned and made my way into the living room. 

"Hey, sleepyhead,"  Darby called as I approached the couch.  She was in her pajamas with a big bag of potato chips. 

"Hey what did I miss?"  

"Not much Matt sent me pizza for dinner if your hungry it's in the fridge.  Are you feeling better?" 

"A little,"  I replied as I heated some pizza in the microwave. 

"Good.  How about we stay up late watching movies?" 

"Sounds good to me." 

After two days of watching tv and eating junk food, I began to feel like myself again.  On the third day, I finally went back to work.  I jumped right in burying myself in wedding plans just like the old days.  I worked late into the night keeping myself distracted from thoughts of Kade.  He'd called once but I didn't answer, he hadn't called back since.  Everything was back to normal except for the hole in my heart.  I'd roll over at night and catch myself reaching out for Kade, I'd quickly realize he wasn't there and begin to cry.  Every time the phone rang I secretly wished it was him.  No matter how busy I was I couldn't stop the thoughts of him.  Every time I looked at my desk I thought of the day he'd placed me on it and had his way with me.  I missed him desperately.  It's been two weeks since I've seen his face, heard his voice, or felt his love.  I was working at my desk when Nora interrupted my thoughts. 

"Addi... We have a client that asked for you."  She spoke softly leaning against the door frame of my office. 

"Ok, what kind of event is it?" 

"A wedding.  The client wants to speak with you personally." 

"Send them in then,"  I told her quickly as I cleared off my desk.  She walked away.  A few minutes passed and no one showed up.  I pulled out the paperwork I was working on and continued,  when I looked up again the man standing in my doorway took my breathe away.  Kade's beautiful form hovered there staring back at me.  Our eyes met and I felt weak in the knees.  I couldn't move.  I didn't know what to say,  all I really wanted to do was throw myself in his arms.  His white dress shirt was undone at the top, his sleeves were rolled up,  he looked the same except his normally bright blue eyes were dull.  He looked exhausted.  He took a step toward my desk and closed my office door behind him.   He sat down across from me as I continued to stare at him. 

"I need a wedding planner,  I figured you'd want the job."  He spoke calmly showing no emotion. 

"You want me to work for you?"  I tried to keep my emotions in check.  He wants me to plan a wedding?  A wedding for who? 

"Yes, I want the best and that's you, Addison." 

"You are getting married?"  My voice came out in a whisper.  He wants me to plan his wedding to someone else?  I felt like screaming. 

"Don't look so shocked babe.  Of course, I'm getting married."  He smirked at me and I lost it. 

"What the hell is wrong with you Kade?! Hell no, I won't plan your wedding to someone else!!!! Get out of my office!!!"  I'm sure the whole building probably heard me but I didn't care.  Has he lost his damn mind?

"Addi, who said anything about someone else?  Calm down and listen to me, babe.  The only woman I want to marry is sitting in front of me."  He smiled at me sending my body into overdrive.  "I miss you, babe.  I can't sleep.  I'm not getting any work done.  I'm miserable without you Addison."  By this point, tears are falling uncontrollably.  He stood up quickly and came around my side of the desk.  He got down on one knee and smiled up at me. 

"Marry me, babe.  Please come home with me.  I can't spend another night without you.  We can fix our relationship.  I should have listened to you about Grant.  I was wrong baby.  Please make me the happiest man alive marry me, Addison."  I nodded slowly before I could answer Kade's mouth was on mine.  He devoured me with kisses full of need and desperation.  When he eventually let me come up for air,  I wrapped my arms around his neck and clung to him. 

"Yes, I'll marry you.  I missed you so much, Kade."  I whispered into his ear not wanting to let go of him.   I held him to me tightly breathing in his scent, being in his arms made me feel whole again.


  A month later I stood in the second-floor window looking out over the back yard of the Jacobs estate. 

"Addi? Hello!? Answer me!! Are you ready?"  A very pregnant Darby yelled at me,  my maid of honor looked stunning in a floor-length champaign sweetheart dress that fit her ever-expanding belly perfectly.   I assumed when this day finally came I would be nervous but all I could think about was how handsome my soon-to-be husband would be waiting for me at the end of the aisle.  After several late-night talks and a few days spent wrapped up in each other in our bed,  our relationship was better than ever.  There wasn't a doubt in my mind that Kade wasn't the man for me.  I wanted more than anything to be his wife and in just a few minutes that would become my reality. 


"Yes? I'm sorry Dar.  I'm ready now."  I turned toward her and smiled.  Tears filled her eyes as she looked at me. 

"These damn hormones I promised I wouldn't cry!  You look amazing Addi.  The most beautiful bride I've ever seen."  She wiped her eyes.  My hair was curled perfectly falling over my shoulders.  My white wedding dress was custom-made and fit like a glove.  The strapless bodice was beaded beautifully, the sweetheart neckline was low but showed just the right amount of cleavage.  The dress fanned out in the middle into a huge ball gown.  I looked like Cinderella, for the first time in my life I felt like a princess.   

"Thanks, Dar.  You look amazing,  I'm pretty sure you're the hottest pregnant woman I've ever seen.  I can't believe that precious little girl will be here soon." 

"I know a year ago I couldn't imagine being a mom and now I can't wait to hold her in my arms."  Darby glowed as she talked about her daughter.  "Let's get you hitched so you can get started on one of these!"  She laughed as she rubbed her belly.  I nodded as she opened the door and lead me down the stairs.  Nora was waiting at the bottom.  She took over the plans for me and I have to say I couldn't have done a better job myself.  I looked out over the patio to the gardens where everyone was seated.  The white chairs draped with champaign bows were full of people.  White roses covered every inch of the backyard.  White candles lined the aisle that was adorned with a white runner.  The sun was setting in the sky and it was just light enough to see.  White lanterns were hung over the end of the aisle where we would say our I do's.  It was elegant, beautiful, and classic.  Everything I could of ask for and more. 

"Nora it looks stunning, thank you so much it's perfect!"  I beamed at her. 

"I learned from the best.  Now, are you ready Miss Hayes?" She smiled sweetly at me. 

"Yes, and it will be the last time you call me that."  Darby and Nora both laughed.  Nora signaled for the wedding to begin and before I knew it, I was walking toward my future husband.

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