Chapter 16

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*Time Skip to the day of the Grammys*


We have so much going on this week but the two most exciting parts are announcing our World Tour and the Grammys. I looked across at the golden Grammy that sat on one of my shelves and smiled to myself. I can't believe we are now nominated for another Grammy. I hope we win, but even just the nomination is humbling and unbelievable. Candace has spent the latter half of the day choosing our outfits and getting us ready for tonight. I am so excited. I haven't seen Maia yet, but I know she is going to be beautiful. She always is, and Candace always does a fantastic job making sure we look amazing. My excitement level is through the roof and I hope we do win the Grammy.


I am so excited about tonight. I am joining Pentatonix at the Grammys. I am not going on the red carpet, but Alex and I are going to be sitting with them, and going to the after party as well. The dress I am wearing is so beautiful, Candace chose very well. I applaud her on her incredible fashion sense as well as the fact that she always makes Pentatonix look amazing at shows and events. Pentatonix is also nominated for another Grammy for their cover of Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, and they are also performing with Stevie Wonder as well. I am so proud of them. Sadly, Pentatonix isn't going to be there to when their category is called as they have to be at a rehearsal for something, but Ben is going to accept the Grammy on their behalf if they win. I really hope they do win.

*Announcing the Winner for Best Arrangement, Instrumental Or A Cappella*

Alex and I were sitting next to each other after Pentatonix left. Finally their category came up. The presenter went through all the names and nominees before pausing to open the envelope she had in her hand.
"And the winner is...Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy." The presenter announced. As soon as she said "Dance" I was cheering and clapping. Ben stood up and headed towards the stage to accept the Grammy on behalf of Pentatonix. I sat down and hugged Alex.
"They did it!" I squealed.
"Yes they did." He replied.
"I knew they would!" I exclaimed. I felt so proud of Pentatonix and I knew they worked hard and are achieving their dreams and getting as far as they have, and I know they will go even further.

*Grammys after party*

We were now at the Grammys after party, and I am actually having lots of fun. Honestly though, I hadn't strayed far from Pentatonix, Alex, Ben, or Esther the entire time. I was staying close to Mitch, who told me he didn't mind, because I still wasn't 100% comfortable in these huge social environments and he knew this. I felt someone tap my shoulder from behind and I spun around only to see Taylor Swift! I was taken aback as I never expected anyone to come up to me. Especially no one as famous as Taylor Swift. They all focus on Pentatonix.
"Hi Taylor, you're probably wanting to talk to my Pentatonix, I'll move." I said smiling.
"No actually, I wanted to talk to you. I want to say that you are beautiful. I mean it. Totally gorgeous." She replied, a smile on her face. I was taken aback by this reply.
"Really?" I asked, shocked at her reply.
"Absolutely." She replied with a big smile on her face.
"Th-thank you."
"What's you're name sweetheart?" She asked kindly.
"I'm Maia. Maia Grassi." I replied, introducing myself.
"It's lovely to meet you Maia." She said with a smile on her face.
"You too Taylor. Thank you for coming over and talking to me. I'm mostly ignored at these sort of social gatherings. I'm also kind new to them." I revealed.
"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.
"It's a long story, but essentially, it is only in the last 7 months that I started hanging around Pentatonix and living with my brother." I replied.
"I have time." She replied. The honesty and concern in her eyes and on her face was enough to make me cave. We sat down on one of the couches near us. I made sure I could still clearly see Mitch and he could clearly see me.
"I was kidnapped when I was 10 years old and I only escaped about 7 or 8 months ago. I'm now 22." I replied. She gasped, her eyes going wide.
"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!"
"It's not your fault." I replied.
"What happened to you?"
"I'm not going to tell you exactly what happened because it is too horrible to repeat." I said sadly. I then saw tears form in her eyes. "Hey, don't cry. I'm ok, it's all over now. Think on the positive side. I found my brother and family, and I now have a wonderful life. I made it through all that hardship and I am happy now." I comforted her.
"You're so strong. People like you inspire me you know. People who have been through so many hardships and come out strong. As Kelly Clarkson once said, What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger." Taylor replied.
"I agree." I replied, a smile on my face in attempts to cheer her up. "Could I get a picture with you?" I asked.
"Absolutely! I'd love to take a picture with one of my idols." She replied with a huge smile on her face.
"I-idols?" I asked in shock.
"Yes. As I said before, it's people like you inspire me and make me work hard to be the best that I can be." She replied. I huge smile spread across my face. Taylor is one of the kindest people I have ever met.


I heard the conversation that Maia was having with Taylor, my heart swelled with gratitude for Taylor. Without even knowing, she has boosted Maia's confidence and let Maia know that she is loved by so many more than just her family and friends. I have to thank her as soon as they are finished talking and taking photos.


*Back at home*

The night was amazing. I am so proud of Pentatonix for all that they have achieved. I also met some really cool celebrities like Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Stevie Wonder, Ed Sheeran, all others as well. All in all it had been a wonderful night. 

Maia's Grammys outfit: (or external link)

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