Chapter 2

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"Ok.  So, explain.  Why have you brought a random girl back to the bus?"  Avi asked as soon as we sat down at the back of the bus.

"I recognized her from somewhere but I didn't know where from so I thought I would bring her back to the bus so I could ask her when she wakes up.  Well, that and I wanted to make sure she was alright."  I explained.  I noticed Kirstie and Scott share a look.  I know they knew exactly whom I was thinking of.

"Mitch?  Can I talk to you in private for a moment?"  Kirstie asked suddenly.  I frowned, slightly confused.

"Sure."  I replied. 

We got up and walked out to the aisle of the bus where the bunks were.  Kirstie then closed the door separating the bunks to the back of the bus.  She then turned to me.

"Ok.  Real reason.  Why did you bring her back here?"  She demanded.

"I told you the reason."  I defended.

"Not completely.  Scott and I know exactly who she reminds you of."  Kirstie said.  "We miss her too you know."  Kirstie stated, her voice soft as she said the last sentence.  I sighed.

"Ok.  Fine.  She reminded me of Maia and I wanted to know if it was her or not.  I knew that I would never forgive myself if my sister was right in front of me and I just left her there.  That's part of the reason I brought her back with me.  That, and I wanted to make sure she was alright.  She took quite the fall."  I explained.  Kirstie gave me one of her half smiles before embracing me in a hug.  Once we broke away, we went back to Kevin, Avi, and Scott.


I awoke to swaying and a little bit of bumpiness.  What the hell?  Where am I?  I opened my eyes and looked around to see that I was in a bunk.  I looked at what was around me., and one thing I didn't expect to see.  A picture of my brother (Mitch), my sister (Jessa), and I on Christmas when I was 9 and he was 10, a year before I was kidnapped.  Why on Earth would this person have something like that under their pillow?  Who even was this person?  I slid out of the bunk and looked around.  I was in some sort of bus.  Wait a minute. Why was I here?  So many questions were floating around in my head.  I heard voices coming from what I presumed to be the back of the bus, so, as a normal person would, I followed those voices to see if I could get some answers. 

I walked down the hallway to find where the voices were coming from.  Pulling up the sleeve of my top as it had slipped down my arm.  I walked into the doorway connecting the aisle of what I presumed was a bus to find a relaxation area with five people in it.  Four boys, two of which looked familiar, and one girl, also familiar.  They were all messing around and laughing.  A tear came to my eye at this.  This is how I remember my childhood before I got kidnapped, but of course, my kidnapper had to rip me away from my family for some unknown reason.  The girl was the first one to notice me.  Her face instantly went from laughing with her friends to one of concern.  She walked over to me.

"Hey, are you ok?"  She asked, putting her hand on my shoulder.  By this time, everyone was looking at me.  I took a deep breath and blinked the tears away.

"Yeah.  Just a memory of a time long gone."  I said cryptically.  All of them were silent for a moment.  "Anyway, whose bunk was I sleeping in?"  I asked curiously.

"Mine."  A short guy with a funny but cute sounding voice, brown eyes, and black hair in the form of a long side fringe said.  Hold up, I'm sure I recognize that voice.  But where from?

"Why do you have a photo of my brother, my sister, and I when we were 9 and 10 years old under your pillow?"  I asked him.  He froze.  I could almost see the gears turning in his head.

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